Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon, left, with County Commissioners Ross Licitra and Lillian Burry at the County’s Reorganization meeting on January 7
As we witnessed our federal government in crisis last week with the unthinkable riot on the Capitol incited by the President, government continued to work well here on the local level here, where we live.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon was sworn in for her second five year term in office on Thursday during a socially distanced county reorganization meeting at Collins Arena at Brookdale Community College. Ross Licitra was sworn in for his first term as County Commissioner and Lillian Burry took the Oath of Office as a County Commissioner for the first time after serving five terms as a Freeholder–the same office with a new name.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, January 8:
• Colossal Street Jamat Count Basie (Red Bank)
Mayor Theresa Berger and Councilwoman Evelyn Malsbury O’Donnell were sworn into their second terms in office in Howell Township on Tuesday night in a virtual reorganization meeting.
The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is being administered to healthcare and long term care personnel by the Monmouth County Board of Health in Freehold and the VNA Community Health Centers in Asbury Park, Freehold, Keyport and Red Bank.
Middletown Mayor Tony Perry is expected to be selected to serve a third consecutive year as the leader of the Township when the governing body reorganizes in a virtual meeting on Sunday, January 3 at 10 a.m.
In the recount of the Eatontown municipal election which took place at the Monmouth County Board of Elections office in Freehold on Monday, the numbers changed slightly but the winners of two council seats remain unchanged from original results.
Victorious Neptune City Council candidates Glen Kocsis , Pamela Renee, and John Pietrunti . photo via facebook
Neptune City Democrats sustained their election victory in a recount requested by the borough’s Republican candidates which was conducted on Monday at the Monmouth County Board of Elections in Freehold.
I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season! It’s
hard to believe the first day of winter is right around the corner when it
feels like we just celebrated the end of summer!
As liaison to the department of public works and
engineering, I want to ensure everyone that our employees have been preparing
for any potential storms during the upcoming winter season. We have the best
crews around who all have the same goal in mind – to keep our residents safe
during any inclement weather. Our number one priority always has been and
always will be safety
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, December 11:
• Magic of Lights: Drive-Through Holiday
Experience at PNC Bank Arts Center (Holmdel) – MORE
• A Christmas Carol at Algonquin Arts Theatre
(Manasquan) – MORE