Murphy doesn’t STFH
The Murphy family dined out again in Monmouth County on Wednesday night with a meal at The Butcher’s Block in Long Branch.

There’s no hypocrisy involved in wearing “STAY THE FUCK HOME” hats while dining at The Butcher’s Block.
“Might not agree on everything; but we do agree on one thing…. Stay The Fuck Home!!! ” was the caption @theblocknj posted on Instagram for the photo of the Governor, First Lady, their son and owner Tom D’Ambrisi. The younger Murphy and D’Ambrisi are wearing red hats with the slogan “STAY THE FUCK HOME.”
STFH has become of slogan of D’Ambrisi’s. He’s using the phrase to promote his take out business and as a retort to Karens who complain if they spot a member of his staff wearing a mask improperly or not at all.
If you’re afraid of COVID, STAY THE FUCK HOME (and stop complaining about others’ choices) is D’Ambrisi’s message to his customers and 46.7K Instagram followers.
Typical conduct from a demonic, tyrannical, despot. Do as I say not as I do. He’s trying so hard to make NJ like CA. STFH in plain view but they were offended when similer language was used on them. MUCK FURFEE !!!
I wonder if Tommy has “send help” on the soles of his feet so he can be extricated from his buds butt.
same advice to you as it relates to Art, since the last few comments I’ve lobbed in your direction have been censored.
@”I’d offer the said at 1:44 pm on November 27th, 2020:
same advice to you as it relates to Art, since the last few comments I’ve lobbed in your direction have been censored.”
I’m not posting anonymous cheap shots. If you want to use my space to take a cheap shot against someone who has identified themselves, put your name on it.
Good for you. More businesses should stand up to customers who are apparently to afraid to be in public. Everyone takes the same chance when they step outside their homes. If your that worried, your right stay the fuck home
C’mon, Art. All of a sudden you’re kicking ass AND taking names? Someone posting under their real name on this site is as rare as hen’s teeth. Gutless no-names are the foundation of this site.
If I had a dollar for every time you returned to this site since you pledged never to do so again, Kathy…..
put a name on it and you still didn’t post it, lmao. Gotta love the integrity over here. #shelterjose2020
Because it was not your name on it, pussy
Can’t we all just stop the fighting and agree that Murphy sucks?