By Stuart J. Moskovitz, Esq

Stuart J Moskovitz
No matter the category, the answer is always Donald Trump to the liberal media and late night talk show “comedians.” All they need to do is figure out the question.
The latest foray into insanity was CNN’s blaming Trump for the disaster in New Zealand. There is so much wrong with that, it is difficult to know where to begin. The attack on the mosque in New Zealand is unacceptable. It is a tragedy. It is a further example of a world moving away from the civilization we thought had grown since World War II. That it would be exploited by anyone for political purposes is disgusting. That it is exploited by an organization claiming to be a “news” organization is not just reprehensible, it is a red flag that major changes are needed, beginning with the complete remaking of our media institutions.
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Posted: March 15th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: Opinion | Tags: American Values, Media bias, Opinion, President Donald Trump, Stuart J. Moskovitz | Comments Off on Jeopardy – Politics Style
By Tom DeSeno
The Asbury Park Press is the only daily paper targeting two New Jersey counties. If that sounds small, consider those two counties have a larger population than eight U.S. states. They double the population of Washington DC. That makes the AP Press important not only as a courier of news, but considering its monopoly, as a sculptor of opinion in our great national debate.
Owned by media giant Gannett, the largest newspaper publisher in America and parent of USA Today, there exists available resources to publish a product that mirrors the Press’ considerable responsibility (if Gannett is willing to open the spigot on resources, that is).
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Posted: June 13th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Hollis Towns, Media bias, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Randy Bergmann, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 7 Comments »
The Daily Caller said that The Washington Post is confusing one prostitute for another in an attempt to debunk the allegations that Senator Robert Menendez paid for sex in the Dominican Republic last Easter.
DC said that the escort whose affidavit that WaPo obtained is not one of the women that the conservative site interviewed via webcam last year. WaPo also is dealing with a different Dominican lawyer than the one who assisted DC with the story.
New Jersey’s main stream media was slow to report the Menendez prostitution allegations, waiting almost three months from the first report until the story graced their pages. They were extraordinarily quick in reporting the Washington Post story claiming the prostitute faked it…the story was posted on less than 1/2 hour after WaPo reported it.
Let’s see how they handle Daily Caller defending the story.
Statement from The Daily Caller:
The Washington Post falsely reported a story yesterday claiming our source had recanted her statement, without contacting The Daily Caller for comment before posting. In reality, the prostitute in the Post’s story does not appear to be one of the women we interviewed in 2012. Details provided by the prostitute identified as Ms. Santana in the Post story conflict with the taped interviews The Daily Caller posted on November 1, including the mention of a person whose name would not come to light for months afterward. In addition, Melanio Figueroa, the attorney for TheDC’s sources, has said the Post’s allegations are fabricated and that the affidavit is false. The Post would not provide TheDC with a copy of the affidavit, despite our request. We stand by our reporting.
Posted: March 5th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Bob Menendez, Media | Tags: Bob Menendez, Bob Menenedez sex scandal, Media bias, | 1 Comment »