Why are the Hornikcrats politicizing Marlboro’s schools?
What else are the Hornikcrats lying about?

John Dwyer smiling
In Marlboro, the incumbent Democrats, Mayor Jon Hornik, Councilwoman Randi Marder and Councilman Michael Scalea have raised over $70,000 and counting for their reelection campaign. They are spending aggressively in an apparent pursuit to keep anyone other than an approved member of the Hornikcrats from participating in municipal government.
In contrast, the “Positively Marlboro” Republicans are spending less than $13,000 on their campaign, according to their filings with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission.
The Hornikcrats have also politicized the highly regarded Marlboro School System by endorsing a slate of Board of Education candidates.
They have further politicized the Schools with two mailers to Marlboro voters in the last week or so, in which they lie about former School Board Member John Dwyer’s role in the property tax increase associated with the School Board Budget. Dwyer, and Sui Allex, are the Republican candidates running against Marder and Scalea.
Dwyer voted NO on the current School Board Budget. Here’s the proof:
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Posted: October 31st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: Hornikcrats, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro election, Michael Scalea, Randi Marder, Sui Allex | 11 Comments »
Mayoral and Council Candidates Pledge Solutions, Not Grand Standing

Ira Goldberg, Sui Allex and John Dwyer
Marlboro, NJ- Ira Goldberg, the Republican candidate for mayor in Marlboro Township issues his congratulations to Middletown Mayor Stephanie Murray and the Middletown’s Township Committee for taking decisive action to bring accountability and fairness to their Township’s Property Tax Assessments in the wake of the Asbury Park Press investigation that shed a scandalous light on the state-mandated Assessment Demonstration Program, the controversial new method of setting property values in Monmouth County.
“While Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik has been political grandstanding in the face of a scandal by calling for the ADP to be suspended without offering a replacement, my friends in Middletown have enacted a solution to inequitable tax assessments and put their own credibility on the line,” Goldberg said, “By firing Realty Data Systems, and bringing the home inspection and data collection functions in house, Middletown has offered a solution to the problem. That is leadership.”
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Posted: October 21st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, Press Release | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Mayor Stephanie Murray, Michael Scalea, Middletown, Monmouth County News, Positively Marlboro, Press Release, Property Taxes, Randi Marder, Realty Data Systems, Sui Allex | Comments Off on Marlboro GOP Candidates Congratulate Middletown for Taking Action on Property Taxes
Hornik Campaign: Republicans Don’t Know How Municipal Government Works, Blames Board Of Ed, John Dwyer For Tax Increases

Graphic via PositivelyMarlboro.com, the Marlboro Republican candidates’ website
Invoking Abraham Lincoln’s ‘You can fool all of the people’ quote and Congressman Frank Pallone’s promise of affordable healthcare, the Republican “PositivelyMarlboro” team of Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council candidates John Dwyer and Sui Allex charged that their incumbent Democrat opponents, Mayor Jonathan Hornik and Councilwoman Randi Marder have been deceiving the public regarding their record of taxing and spending. The Republicans noted that Hornik’s own property tax assessment went down in 2015 and that Marder’s assessment is lower now than it was in 2011.
In a press release and postings on their website and on facebook on Friday, the Republicans said that Hornik and his “obedient” and rubber stamp” Township Council are employing election year budgetary gimmicks and deceitful campaign language in an attempt to convince voters that they’ve been fiscally responsible and that others—the Board of Education and the County Tax Board—are responsible for the growing tax burden.
The Republicans disputed Hornik’s recent claim that the new property tax assessment program has “effectively has eliminated the avenue to appeal a tax assessment.”
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Posted: October 17th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marboro, Monmouth County News, Property Taxes, Randi Marder, Sui Allex | 1 Comment »

There appears to be a race worth watching in Marlboro
The Democratic campaign of Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik and Council Members Randi Marder and Michael Scalea has characterized their opponents’ plan to reform the Township’s Summer Camp as “cheap gutter politics.”
In statement promoted by Hornik on facebook and released on the JerseyShoreInsider blog (a site funded by Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal and Ocean County Democratic Chairman Wyatt Earp that has nothing to do with Snooki or The Situation), Hornik campaign manager Jon Evans accused Republican candidate for Mayor Ira Goldberg and Council candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer of exploting the “unfortunate and serious incident” that occurred as a result of Matthew Kleinstein, while working as a Marlboro Camp Counselor, sending pictures of his penis to four 11-13 year old female campers in his care.
Councilman Scalea was a member of the Township’s Recreation Committee at the time the incident occurred.
Evans’s statement goes on to claim that the reforms the Republicans proposed are already in practice in the Township of Marlboro. Evan’s states that the Republicans have no platform for improving Marlboro’s government. Read the full statement (that Evans inexplicably did not send directly to MMM) here:
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Posted: October 8th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Matthew Kleinstein, Michael Scalea, Mike Scalea, Monmouth County News, Randi Marder, Sexting, Snooki and The Situation, Sui Allex, Vin Gopal, Wyatt Earp | 9 Comments »

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, center-right, presents a campaign contribution to Council candidate Sui Allex, Mayoral candidate Ira Goldberg and Council candidate John Dwyer at the Bella Vista Country Club last month
Marlboro, NJ- The Marlboro Republican candidates for Mayor and Council responded to the news of a Township Camp Counselor pleading guilty to sexting photos of his genitalia to four 11-13 year old female campers with a four point proposal to reform the Recreation Department’s Summer Camp Program.
In a statement released this afternoon, Ira Goldberg, candidate for Mayor, and Council candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer said they would implement the following reforms should they be elected on November 3rd:
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Posted: October 7th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: Councilman Michael Scalea, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Jonathan Capp, Marlboro Republicans, Mike Scalea, Monmouth County News, Sui Allex | 5 Comments »

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick (center-right) presents a check to the “Positively Marlboro” GOP candidates, Sui Allex for Council, Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council candidate John Dwyer, far right, as campaign treasurer Mario Giudice licks his lips in anticipation in the background photo bomb.
Republican activists and leaders from throughout Monmouth County and beyond gathered with the Marlboro Party faithful last night at the Bella Vista Country Club, providing the “Positively Marlboro” GOP slate of Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council Candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer with a boost of enthusiasm and campaign cash for their uphill battle to unseat Democratic Mayor Jon Hornik and his “Right Team” slate of incumbent council members Randi Marder and Mike Scalea.
“Two hours ago I was in the Governor’s backyard,” Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, the headliner of the event, said as he started his remarks. “Where are you going?,” Bramnick said the Governor wanted to know as he prepared to leave.” “Marlboro.” “Why?” “Because Selika Josiah Gore (Chair of the Marlboro GOP) called me an wouldn’t get off the line until I agreed.”
“This is the most energetic Republican event I have seen this season,” Bramnick said during his remarks and announced that he would write a check to the campaign from his own account on the spot.
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Posted: September 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, Bella Vista Country Club, Declan O'Scanlon, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Bramnick, Marlboro GOP, Monmouth County News, Selkia Josiah Gore, Shaun Golden, Sui Alex | Comments Off on Monmouth and Assembly Republicans Support Marlboro GOP

Congressman Frank Pallone and Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik. photo via facebook
Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik bursts into laughter when considering his opponent, Ira Goldberg, according to a report on PoltickerNJ about the Democrats’ campaign kickoff at the home of Hornik’s law partner (and unelected Deputy Mayor) Larry Rosen last evening.
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Posted: September 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, Sui Allex | 5 Comments »
Labor Day is still a week off, but the political season is already underway in the most unlikely place; Marlboro Township where Democratic incumbents Mayor Jon Hornik and Councilwoman Randi Marder are running for their third terms with newcomer, Councilman Mike Scalea who is running for his first full term after replacing Frank LaRocca on the governing body. LaRocca resigned from the council and quit politics to become the Municipal Judge in Keyport in January.
Both the Democrats and Republicans have launched their campaigns on social media and both have major campaign events this week.
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Posted: August 31st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Mike Scalea, Monmouth County News, Randi Marder, Shaun Golden, Sui Allex | 2 Comments »

Frank DeBlasi. photo via facebbok
Frank DeBlasi, the top vote getter in the Republican primary in Marlboro eariler this month, has withdrawn as a candidate, according to a statement by Selika Josiah Gore, the Chair of the Township’s Republican Committee.
Gore said that DeBlasi withdrew because of unforeseen personal circumstances.
“Frank was a great candidate with a true desire to serve the public and bring new Republican Leadership to Marlboro,” said Gore, “While we regret his withdrawal, we appreciate his integrity. We hope to see his name on the ballot again in the future.”
The Marlboro Republican Committee will meet later this month to endorse to new candidate for council. Any Marlboro voter interested in running is invited to submit a resume and letter in intent to JoAnn Denton, the campaign manager for the 2015 Republican “Positively Marlboro” campaign.
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Posted: June 16th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Councilman Michael Scalea, Councilwoman Randi Marder, Frank DeBlasi, Ira Goldberg, Marlboro GOP, Marlboro Republicans, Monmouth County News, Selika Josiah Gore, Sui Allex | 4 Comments »

Ira Goldberg is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Mayor Jon Hornik in Marlboro
Ira Goldberg, a 36 year resident of Marlboro Township was in Atlantic City on Monday seeking support for Monmouth County Republicans present for his bid to unseat Marlboro Township’s Democratic mayor, Jonathan Hornik.
Goldberg’s son Brian, a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in the primary last year proudly introduced his father to Monmouth contingent at Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnik’s rally/convention.
Asked if he thought he could be the popular Hornik, the elder Goldberg said, “I’ve been in Marlboro 36 years and know everyone.”
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Posted: February 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County | Tags: Atlantic City, Brian Goldberg, Ira Goldberg, Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Monmouth County | 14 Comments »