
Joint Statement of Governors Christie and Cuomo on Congressional Failure to Pass Hurricane Sandy Relief Package

Trenton, NJ – With all that New York and New Jersey and our millions of residents and small businesses have suffered and endured, this continued inaction and indifference by the House of Representatives is inexcusable. It has now been 66 days since Hurricane Sandy hit and 27 days since President Obama put forth a responsible aid proposal that passed with a bipartisan vote in the Senate while the House has failed to even bring it to the floor. This failure to come to the aid of Americans following a severe and devastating natural disaster is unprecedented. The fact that days continue to go by while people suffer, families are out of their homes, and men and women remain jobless and struggling during these harsh winter months is a dereliction of duty. When American citizens are in need we come to their aid. That tradition was abandoned in the House last night.


The people of our states can no long afford to wait while politicians in Washington play games.

Posted: January 2nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Andrew Cuomo, Chris Christie, Congress, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments »

Governor Christie Press Conference at 2PM

Governor Chris Christie has added a press conference at 2PM to his schedule today.

Changes are Christie will have some colorful things to say about the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives who, in a last minute reversal, declined to allow the House to vote on the $60 billion Hurricane Sandy relief package yesterday.

The press conference will can be viewed live here:

Watch live streaming video from governorchrischristie at livestream.com
Posted: January 2nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Governor Christie Press Conference at 2PM

Sandy Relief Bill Pulled From House Agenda

The bill that passed the U.S. Senate on Friday that would provide $60 billion to rebuild New Jersey, New York and Connecticut from the effects of Superstorm Sandy and $400 million in projects unrelated to Sandy has stalled in the House of Representatives, according to reports on Politico and NorthJersey.com.

The House has split the relief measure into two parts; a $27 billion first installment to fund immediate recovery needs over the next three months and a $33 billion amendment to that installment bill.  The amendment would fund strip away the $400 million in non-Sandy pork.

House Speaker John Boehner pulled the measures from the voting schedule prior to the “fiscal cliff” vote last night.  If the House does not act before noon on Thursday any federal help for Sandy recovery will have to be taken up by the new Congress.

Posted: January 2nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Congress, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

2012 Year in review: October and November

Hurricane Sandy

Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States



Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: , , | 1 Comment »

Congressman Chris Smith calls on his colleagues to pass Sandy Relief Bill

Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden prior to surveying Hurricane Sandy damage

The $60.4 billion dollar appropriation to fund the rebuilding of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut passed in the U.S. Senate last night by a vote of 62-32.

Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ 4), representing parts of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, is calling on his Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass the aid package without delay before the 112th Congress adjourns on Monday.

“The House now has before it legislation that will provide critical federal support to help ease and mitigate the severe hardship on people, communities and businesses decimated by Superstorm Sandy,” said Smith, “There is no doubt that this storm created unprecedented emergencies and devastation and should be treated as such— with no delays, no budget offsets. Immediate federal assistance, resources, and mitigation planning is needed to help restore some normalcy and hope into the lives of the victims of Superstorm Sandy and start the rebuilding process.”

Posted: December 29th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Smith, Congress, Hurricane Sandy, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments »

Christie’s Belmar Town Hall Meeting Will Include Cabinet Members

Governor Christie is bringing much of his cabinet to Belmar tomorrow for his 99th Town Hall meeting.

Joining Christie to discuss the State’s efforts to recover and rebuild from Hurricane Sandy will be the Governor’s Office of Recovery and Rebuilding Executive Director Marc Ferzan; Board of Public Utilities President Robert Hanna; Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin; Health Commissioner Mary E. O’Dowd; State Police Superintendent Colonel Rick Fuentes; Transportation Commissioner James Simpson; Human Services Commissioner Jennifer Velez; and Community Affairs Commissioner Richard E. Constable, III.

Christie will also take questions from the audience regarding matters other than Hurricane Sandy recovery and rebuilding.

The Town Hall meeting is schedule to start at 3 p.m. in the borough’s gymnasium, 601 Main Street, Belmar.  Doors open at 2:15 p.m.

Posted: December 19th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Belmar, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , | 1 Comment »

Christie Administration Announces Extension for New Jerseyans Affected by Hurricane Sandy to Register for Disaster Assistance

Trenton, NJ – The Christie Administration today announced that New Jersey residents affected by Hurricane Sandy now have until January 30, 2013 to register for disaster assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


“The single most important step people can take in this recovery period is to register with FEMA, if they haven’t already,” said Governor Christie. “The process of a family receiving any type of federal disaster assistance begins with registering as a disaster survivor with FEMA and working with a coordinator to determine what sort of relief they are eligible for. This extension will help us ensure that anyone who has been affected by the storm gets registered and the help they need and deserve.”


People with storm losses in all counties can register online atwww.disasterassistance.govor via smart phone or tablet here.


Survivors also can register by phone or 711/VRS by calling 800-621-3362, TTY800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week until further notice.


At the request of the state, FEMA extended the registration deadline beyond the original 60 day window due tothe magnitude of the Hurricane Sandy disaster.


The disaster registration process serves as a referral point for FEMA programs and those of partner agencies such as the U.S. Small Business Administration, American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Small Business Administration.


FEMA disaster assistance for individuals and families can include money for rental assistance, essential home repairs, personal property losses and other serious disaster-related needs not covered by insurance.

Posted: December 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Christie Administration Announces Extension for New Jerseyans Affected by Hurricane Sandy to Register for Disaster Assistance

Christie and Guadagno will visit Sea Bright today

Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno will be the Sea Bright this afternoon to make an announcement regarding small business recovery and relief from Hurricane Sandy.

The 3PM event will be at the Sea Bright Fire House, 1099 East Ocean Ave.  A press conference will follow the announcement.

Posted: December 14th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy, Kim Guadagno | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Christie and Guadagno will visit Sea Bright today

Pallone Criticizes FEMA Response to Temporary Housing Needs for Sandy Victims

LONG BRANCH, NJ—Following an afternoon conference call with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) released a statement voicing his concern over the agency’s response to the housing and humanitarian crisis still impacting thousands of New Jersey residents. 


The following are his comments:


“I was disturbed to learn of FEMA’s altered plans to provide temporary housing to hurricane Sandy victims.  In the immediate aftermath of the storm I like most New Jerseyans, took solace in FEMA’s promises of housing assistance to those whose homes were badly damaged or destroyed by the hurricane.  I believed that FEMA would honor its commitments to ensure that people who lost their homes would be furnished with temporary alternative housing like trailers or mobile homes as we have seen after similar disasters throughout the nation.


“Unfortunately, I am far less confident in FEMA’s willingness to assist our community in light of a conference call I participated in today with agency representatives.  I was told that, rather than maintaining their earlier commitment to provide adequate temporary housing to towns for those seeking to stay on their own property, FEMA is no longer planning on providing mobile homes and trailers.  Instead, the agency suggests that New Jerseyans make accommodations on their own if they choose to stay on their property and in their communities.  The agency suggested that residents use their FEMA vouchers and to contribute to the cost of acquiring and renting RVs, mobile homes and trailers from as far away as Pennsylvania.


“In short, it is outrageous that there is not enough hosing available for Sandy victims and even more confounding that FEMA is suggesting that housing stocks are adequate.  I find it concerning that FEMA’s statements on today’s conference call directly contradicted their tone from earlier on in the Sandy crisis.  For Sandy victims, the stress of rebuilding and or rehabilitating their homes has been unfathomable.  People are still struggling more that a month after the storm and trying to regain any sense of normalcy possible to get their lives back on track.  The last thing they need is to worry that the deck is even further stacked against them as a result of FEMA’s unwillingness to provide temporary housing. 


“It is vital to the survival of our communities that our neighbors stay together, our kids stay in their schools and we rebuild our towns, public facilities and infrastructure swiftly and thoughtfully and we need FEMA to help us in that pursuit. 


“I urge FEMA to utilize their available resources and distribute as many mobile home units as possible to New  Jersey’s affected areas.  People are running out of resources and patience and it is time that FEMA fulfills its commitments and comes through on its promise of assistance to our area.” 

Posted: December 7th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: FEMA, Frank Pallone, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

State Senators Want To Prohibit Beach Badges

Senator Mike Doherty wants the Jersey Shore rebuilt with high-rise condos

State Senator Michael Doherty (R-Warren) would go a lot further than eliminating beach badges from the Jersey Shore if he had his way.  Doherty says that the pre-Sandy Shore was a failed economic model reminiscent  of the 1950’s Catskill Mountain bungalow communities and that our coast should be rebuilt in the image of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,  Ocean City, Maryland and Destin, Florida with high-rise condos with pools, free beaches and high end merchants.

Photo Credit: Myrtle Beach Area Convention and Visitors Buerau. Click for larger view.

Doherty has proposed legislation that would prohibit coastal communities that accept state or federal funds to rebuild from selling beach badges or otherwise charging the public for access to the shore.  The bill would also require municipalities to provide free restroom facilities from Memorial Day through Labor Day annually.

Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) has signed on as a prime co-sponsor of the bill.  That means it is not likely to be buried in committee never to see that light of day.

“It is likely that state and federal taxpayers will provide hundreds of millions of dollars to repair and replenish New Jersey beaches that were washed away during Hurricane Sandy,” said Doherty. “Considering the massive public resources that will be directed at rebuilding many New Jersey beaches, it only seems fair to ensure that everyone have the opportunity to enjoy free access to the beaches they will support and help rebuild with their tax dollars.”

Sweeney said, “Where taxpayers are paying for beach restoration, they shouldn’t be taxed a second time just to walk on the sand. As New Jerseyans, we are all in the recovery and rebuilding process together. That means we should all be able to enjoy the reopening of our state’s greatest natural resource together, too.”

MMM called Doherty and Sweeney to ask how beach maintenance, life guards and police would be paid for under their plan.  Sweeney hasn’t gotten back to us, but Doherty gave us an earful.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: December 6th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Beach Access, Belmar, Economy, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Matt Doherty, Mike Doherty, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »