For the benefit of my readers from Hazlet who are still not convinced that Vincent Solomeno’s character assassination attempt on Mayor Sue Kiley is based upon outright lies, I visited Town Hall yesterday to get the documentation which proves it.
As “proof” of his allegation that Kiley accepted an illegal campaign contribution from Maser Consulting during her first election in 2014 and then illegally appointed the firm Township Planner, Solomeno has been posting this clip of the Township’s pay to play ordinance: Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 2nd, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2017 elections, Hazlet, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Monmouth County News, Navesink Design LLC, Sue Kiley, Vincent Solomeno | Comments Off on Vincent Solomeno’s Lies
In the second part of my interview with Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, she talks about 1) what she wanted to accomplish in her first term on the Township Committee, 2) what she did accomplish, and what she hopes to accomplish if Hazlet voters give her another three years. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 29th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 Elections, Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2017 elections, Hazlet, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Sue Kiley, Vincent Solomeno | Comments Off on Interview with Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley Part 2
After being rejected by both his Party and Monmouth County voters, serial candidate Vincent Solomeno is desperate for a win.
The unemployed politician…Solomeno told the Asbury Park Press he was a full time candidate when he ran for Monmouth County Surrogate last year and the owner of the electrical contractor he currently lists as his full time employer on LinkedIn told us she laid him off in July, after three months in that job… Solomeno was rejected by the Democrats when he sought the nomination for Freeholder in 2010,was ousted as the leader of the Bayshore Democratic Caucus in 2012 and he was the low vote getter..even in Hazlet…when he ran for County Surrogate last year.
Now, apparently thinking he is losing again in his attempt to unseat Mayor Sue Kiley on the Hazlet Township Committee, Solomeno’s campaign has launched a bizarre and deceitful website, HolyFamilyFacts, that slanders Kiley and a respected Monmouth County engineering firm, Maser Consulting. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 26th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: 2017 elections, Hazlet, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Hazlet Township, Holy Family School, Monmouth County News, Sue Kiley, Vincent Solomeno | Comments Off on Desperate Solomeno Takes His Hazlet Campaign To The Gutter
Mayor Sue Kiley declares Isla Newton a “Hazlet Hero”

Dori, Isla and Jim Newton with Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley
She’s 8 years old and has Downs Syndrome. She’s also one the of faces of a national organization that is fighting to update laws and regulations that hold people with disabilities from reaching their full potential in education, employment and self sufficiency.
Isla Newton lives in Hazlet with her parents Jim and Dori and her younger brother Theo. She is a student at Raritan Valley Elementary School. Like most children, Isla dreams of getting married, having good job and being economically independent. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 24th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: #LawSyndrome, Dori Newton, Downs Syndrome, Hazlet, Hazlet Hero, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Isla Newton, Jim Newton, Monmouth County News, National Downs Sydrome Society, Sue Kiley | Comments Off on Hazlet girl with Downs Syndrome is featured in #LawSyndrome national campaign
By Art Gallagher
Vincent Solomeno, last year’s losing Democrat candidate for Monmouth County Surrogate, is running for office again. This year he wants to unseat Mayor Sue Kiley on the Hazlet Township Committee.

Support the Hazlet First Aid Squad. Click for larger view
Solomeno was the poorest performing Democrat on the County ticket last year, losing badly to Surrogate Rosemarie Peters by a margin of 58%-42%. He performed slightly better in his hometown of Hazlet where he lost to Peters, of Middletown, by 56% to 44%, while losing every election district in the township. His effort last year was hampered when he denied using prostitutes after a facebook post wherein he announced that a “swedish whore name Cindy usually knows where to find me” was discovered online.
Vincent’s maturity and judgement does not appear to have improved in the last year. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 17th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: Hazlet First Aid Pasta Dinner, Hazlet First Aid Squad, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Hazlet News, Monmouth County News, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, Vincent Solomeno | 8 Comments »

Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley
Hazlet, NJ- Mayor Sue Kiley announced a new community building program in her Mayor’s Update this week.
“Connect” is a program that Kiley has been developing to bring people, places and things together for the betterment of the community. The inaugural Connect session was on June 7 when Raritan High School honor students, under the direction of teachers Ms. Melissa Trenton and Ms. Melissa Gardner, met with Hazlet Senior Citizens at the Cullen Center for a session on how to use modern technology.
“I’m leaning to use my not so smart phone,” one of the seniors joked.
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Posted: June 14th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: "Connect", Hazlet, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, Hazlet Township, Monmouth County News, Sue Kiley | Comments Off on Kiley Connects High School Students and Seniors

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin, Freeholder Serena DiMaso and Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley
Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley said she was supporting Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon for State Senate and Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Freeholder Serena DiMaso for Assembly in New Jersey’s 13th legislative district.
“I am so pleased that both Declan and Amy will continue to represent us in Trenton,” Kiley said. “They have both been great advocates for the people of Hazlet and available to help us in fighting the so called ‘Monmouth Reliability Project’. They are both good friends and legislators.”
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Posted: March 2nd, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2017 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: 13th legislative district, Amy Handlin, Declan O'Scanlon, Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley, LD 13, Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP, Serena DiMaso, Sue Kiley | 3 Comments »