Governor Phil Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy will be joined by Dorothea and Jon Bon Jovi in headlining a high dollar fundraiser for Senator Cory Booker’s 2020 presidential campaign on Sunday, according to a copy of the invitation to the event obtained by MMM.
Middletown Mayor Tony Perry says that if recreational marijuana is to become legal in New Jersey, that its retail sale of should be regulated like alcohol is regulated…with municipalities selling licenses and conducting background checks on the sellers.
The legislation currently under consideration in Trenton, and reportedly agreed upon by Governor Phil Murphy, Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin amounts to an unfunded burden upon local governments, Perry said in a letter to Buena Vista Mayor Chuck Chiarello, President of the New Jersey Conference of Mayors, with copies sent to the 13th District legislators; Senator Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywomen Amy Handlin and Serena DiMaso, as well as Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden and Freeholder Director Tom Arnone.
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden issues the Oath of Office to Middletown Mayor Tony Perry while Allannah Perry holds the Bible. January 1, 2019
During his budget address on Tuesday afternoon, Governor Phil Murphy bragged that in 2018 the state “began the process of finally fulfilling our obligations to our public schools…”
Senator Declan O’Scanlon, (R-Monmouth), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, make the following remarks in response to Governor Phil Murphy’s proposed budget:
Watch O’Scanlon deliver his remarks:
“This budget won’t lift up the middle class. It will leave generations of New Jersey residents with no hope for a prosperous future.
“Even if the Governor’s rosy projections – of both revenue and savings – are accurate, we are still only a fraction of the way out of the hole we’re in.
“We can’t tax our way out of this mess. Without major reforms, it is a very real possibility that young public workers won’t even have a pension by the time they retire.
“I urge Governor Murphy to come to the table and hammer out a compromise with us. There is no other option,” Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) said.
Governor Phil Murphy has declared at State of Emergency effective at 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, March 3.
“New Jersey will be expecting another winter storm today and tomorrow,” said Governor Murphy. “The safety of our residents is our top priority, and we urge everyone to be informed of weather conditions and to stay off the roads so that we are able to deploy available resources to clean the snow.”
The National Weather Service in Mt Holly issued Winter Storm Warning for Central Jersey effective at 3 p.m. Sunday through 7 a.m. on Monday morning.
On his Ask the Governor show on public radio last night, Governor Phil Murphy said he has a big meeting today about his idea to create a state owned bank, according to reporter Joe Hernandez.
.@GovMurphy says he has a big meeting tomorrow on his idea to create a public bank in N.J. which hasn’t gotten much attention since his campaign
Art Gallagher is back on the Tommy G Show on Tuesday afternoon, January 29 at 4 PM.
Tommy’s show is always good for laughs and provocative conversation about local, state and national news. On the agenda this afternoon is discussion about the $15 minimum wage bill that Governor Phil Murphy, Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin promoted at the press conference in Sayreville this morning.
I wouldn’t be surprised if former Governor Chris Christie’s new book which was released today also comes up in conversation.
It is unconscionable that Governor Murphy has not only failed to lift these gag orders, but that he hasn’t publicly encouraged all staffers – men and women – to come forward and tell all they know without fear of reprisal, and with his full support.
Murphy said at a press conference last week that NJ commuters will likely suffer with substandard service throughout most of 2019, according to
“Governor Murphy must take expeditious action to address the major issues plaguing NJ Transit,” Senator O’Scanlon said. “I’m calling on the Governor to take whatever action is necessary, whether it’s declaring a State of Emergency, bringing in out-of-state engineers, or any other solution. We must treat this exigent situation with the seriousness that it demands.”