Fox News PAC Gave to Pallone
By Art Gallagher
Remember the hullabaloo last summer over News Corp, parent of FoxNews, giving $1 million dollars to the Republican Governors Association? The lefty media made a big deal about it. The Asbury Park Pres, aka Neptune Nudniks, even wrote an editorial condemning the contribution wherein they made a laughable assertion about how “real journalists” work hard to maintain their objectivity.
Turns out Fox gave to Frank Pallone before they gave to the RGA. They also gave to Andrew Wiener, James Clyburn, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The Nudniks probably didn’t know that…..because they probably didn’t check.
Posted: January 16th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Township | Tags: Asbury Park Press, FoxNews PAC, Neptune Nudniks, Pallone | 3 Comments »