Senior citizen accosted by Democratic legislators’ staffers

Downey, Sweeny and Houghtaling. photo via facebook from a previous meeting
Senate President Steve Sweeney held a meeting with public officials and education stakeholders at the Freehold legislative office of Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey this morning to discuss the school funding bill the three legislators are sponsoring.
Houghtaling told MMM about the meeting this morning during a phone call regarding former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini’s call for him and Downey to join Sweeney in demanding that the U.S. Attorney and NJ Attorney General investigate the NJEA’s alleged extortion of Sweeney. Houghtaling repeatedly said that the Freehold meeting is “non-poltical.”
So why was Senator Jennifer Beck, a Republican excluded? Members of the Freehold Borough Council were invited. The state senator representing Freehold was not invited? That sounds like a political meeting with only Democrats invited. Beck’s spokesman Mike Hughes told MMM that the senator was not invited to the meeting in Freehold.
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Posted: August 5th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, NJ State Legislature, NJEA, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Andrew K. Landman, Art Gallagher, Education, Eric Houghtaling, Joann Downey, Joe Libutti, Joseph D. Libutti, Monmouth County News, Muriel J. Smith, Muriel Smith, NJEA, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senator Jennifer Beck | 5 Comments »
Hougtaling and Downey’s spokeman denies hearing of Sweeney’s call for a criminal investigation into NJEA

Mary Pat Angelini
Still smarting from her shocking loss last November, former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini yesterday issued a statement calling on the Democrats who unseated her to join Senate President Steve Sweeney in his demand that the U.S. Attorney and N.J. Attorney General investigate the teachers union for extortion.
The Democrat leader of the State Senate accused the NJEA of extorition eariler this week after Democrat County Chairmen and other power brokers told him that NJEA leaders told them that the union would withhold campaign contributions to Democrats unless Sweeney allowed a vote in the Senate on an amendment to the State Constitution that would compel specified contributions to the teacher’s pension fund every year.
Angelini said that Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey would not have defeated her if not for the “vicious lies” the NJEA broadcast about her and the non-profit drug abuse prevention organization she runs during the final days of the 2015 election campaign.
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Posted: August 5th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Mary Pat Angenlini, Monmouth County News, NJEA, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: 2015 Election, 2017 Legislative election, Eric Houghtaling, extortion, Joann Downey, Joe Libutti, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth County News, NJEA, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 1 Comment »

Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty and Governor Chris Christie walk the Belmar boardwalk in August 2011. Photo Credit: Tim Larson, Governor’s Office
Governor Chris Christie conditionally vetoed (CV) legislation that would have banned smoking at all public parks and beaches. Instead, he recommended that the legislature amend the bill to prohibit smoking at State parks and beaches, but not those governed by local governments.
The bill, which was Co-Sponsored by rookie Democrat Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling of Monmouth County’s 11th legislative district, passed in the Senate 25-6 with 9 Senators not voting and in the Assembly by 52-6 with 19 Assembly Members not voting.
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Posted: July 15th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Chris Christie, Eric Houghtaling, Lawless Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News, Smoking ban | 1 Comment »

Jonelle Melton
Three Asbury Park Men were charged with the 2009 murder of Jonelle Melton, a 33 year old Red Bank Middle School teacher.
Democrats Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey defeated Republican Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande in the 11th Legislative District. A Democratic SuperPac funded largely by the NJEA spent $1.5 million in the race, including television commercials implying that Angelini is inappropriately profiting from the drug abuse prevention non-profit that she leads.
For all the special interest money spent on behalf of the Democrats, Angelini lost to Downey by only 253 votes and the top vote getter, Houghtaling had only 713 votes more than the low vote getter, Casagrande. Low voter turnout in Republican strongholds Freehold Township and Colts Neck was the difference in the election.
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Posted: January 1st, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 11th Legislative District, Asbury Park, Caroline Casagrande, Colts Neck, Eric Houghtaling, Freehold Township, Joann Downey, Jonelle Melton, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Red Bank, Spring Lake Heights | Comments Off on Year in review: November 2015

Assembly Members-elect Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey
Democratic Assembly Members-elect Joann Downey and Eric Houghtailing, and Independent Expenditure Committees supporting them spent $1,503,233 to defeat Republican incumbents Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande in the 11th legislative district election, according to an analysis of 2015 campaign spending published on PolitickerNJ.
Angelini and Casagrande spent $234,118 on their reelection effort.
For all of that spending, 700 additional Republican votes would have carried the day for Angelini and Casagrande. Those votes reside in Colts Neck, a Republican stronghold that had less than a 20% voter turnout and Freehold Township, another Republican stronghold in the district that did not turnout for the incumbents. Casagrande and Angelini, while winning Freehold Township, did so with by a margin of less than 10%.
Posted: December 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Legislative Races, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, Eric Houghtaling, Joann Downey, LD 11, Monmouth County News, NJ ELEC | 29 Comments »
From PolitickerNJ:
Vin Gopal
Long hailed as one of the most talented up and comers in New Jersey politics, the Monmouth County Democratic Chairman from Long Branch appears poised to run against state Senator Jen Beck (D-11) in 2017. Beck will be a very tough out, but Gopal is a unique politician now emboldened by the loses last night of Beck’s running mates Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini and Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande.
That would be a fun race to cover!
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Posted: November 5th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: Eric Houghtaling, Joann Downey, LD 11, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Senator Jennifer Beck, Vin Gopal | 12 Comments »
With 158 of 160 districts reporting, incumbent Republican Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande are in danger of losing their seats to Democratic Neptune Township Committeeman Eric Houghtaling and Attorney Joann Downey of Freehold.
Houghtaling is leading with 14,836 votes and Downey has 14,602. Angelini has 14,523 and Casagrande has 14,285.
Republicans are not conceding the race, which they are saying is “too close to call.”
Posted: November 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2015 Elections | Tags: 2015 Elections, Caroline Casagrande, Eric Houghtaling, Joann Downey, LD 11, Mary Pat Angelini | 1 Comment »
The Monmouth County Democrats will hold a “mini-convention” this evening at the IBEW Local 400 Union Hall in Wall Township to formally nominate their slate of County and Legislative candidates for the June 2 primary.

Jeanne Cullinane is challenging Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon in the 13th legislative district
MMM has learned that Hazlet Board of Education member Tom Herman will be a candidate for Assembly in the 13th legislative district, challenging incumbent Republicans Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon. Joining Herman on the Democratic ticket in the 13th will be Jeanne Cullinane, also of Hazlet, a political newcomer.
Cullinane has recently shared posts on facebook that compared Republicans to Iranian terrorists and Polish people to monkeys.
Monmouth County Chairman Vin Gopal has previously announced on his blog that Neptune Township Zoning Board Member Carol Rizzo will challenge incumbent Republican Freeholder John Curley. There has been speculation that Rizzo was seperated at birth from Rumson Democratic Chairman and former Democratic candidate for Surrogate, Michael Steinhorn.
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Posted: March 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 13th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: 2015 Elections, Amy Handlin, Carol Rizzo, Christine Hanlon, Declan O'Scanlon, Eric Houghtaling, Jeanne Cullinane, Joann Downey, John Curley, Kevin Kane, Michael Steinhorn, Mini-Convention, Monmouth County Democrats, Monmouth Democrats, Tom Herman, Vin Gopal | 14 Comments »

Vin Gopal
Monmouth County Democratic insiders tell MMM that all Monmouth County and Legislative Republicans except Assemblywomen Caroline Casagrande and Mary Pat Angelini will essentially get a free pass to election this year as Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal has been unable to recruit candidates or raise money for the legislative races in legislative districts 12, 13 and 30, or the County Offices of Freeholder and Clerk.
Gopal is expected to leave the candidate recruitment in LDs 12 and 30 to the other counties included in those districts. The 30th district, currently represented in the Assembly by Republicans Dave Rible and Sean Kean, has 12 towns in Monmouth County and two in Ocean County. Seven of the fourteen towns in the 12th district are on Monmouth County. The other seven are split between Burlington, Ocean and Middlesex Counties. The 12th district is represented by Republicans Ron Dancer and Rob Clifton.
Gopal’s trial balloon last December of making a second run for Assembly in the 11th himself( he ran in 2011) went over like the Hindenburg with State Democrats, other County Chairs and Special Interest donors who he had convinced that the money they invested in Monmouth County last year would lead to a pick up of Freeholder seats.
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Posted: March 9th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 13th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Legislature, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Vin Gopal | Tags: Amy Handlin, Caroline Casagrande, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Eric Houghtaling, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth County Board of Elections, Rob Clifton, Ron Dancer, Sean Kean, Vin Gopal | 6 Comments »
What will Dan Jacobson do?

Vin Gopal
Ever the optimist and desperate for relevancy, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal is floating his name as a candidate for Assembly in 11th District.
The district’s Assembly seats are currently held by Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande. Gopal and Red Bank Councilwoman Kathy Horgan lost to Angelini and Casagrande by over 3000 votes (out of 37,093 cast) in 2011. Former Democratic Assemblyman Dan Jacobson, publisher of the triCityNews and AsburyParkSun earned 2358 votes as an Independent candidate that year.
MoreMonmouthMusings hereby endorses Gopal for one of the Democratic Assembly nominations in the 11th.
We were worried that 2015 would be a boring year politically in Monmouth County and that we’d have to start covering restaurant openings to keep our traffic up next year. With Gopal on the ballot, MMM’s political focus would be assured for another year.
Another reason we like Gopal as a candidate for Assembly is that it takes an issue of the table for Sheriff Shaun Golden’s reelection in 2016.
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Posted: December 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Caroline Casagrande, Mary Pat Angenlini, Vin Gopal | Tags: Caroline Casagrande, Dan Jacobson, Ed Zipprich, Eric Houghtaling, Gary Rich, Jennifer Beck, Kevin Kane, LD 11, Lillian Burry, Mary Pat Angelini, NJ Legislative Election, Randy Bishop, Shaun Golden, Vin Gopal | 5 Comments »