It’s a deal a week with the Bayshore Tea Party backed slate of candidates running in the LD13 and Monmouth County GOP primary.
If you missed the opportunity for a free 2013 tax return in exchange for canvassing for the candidates, freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsky has a new deal for you!
Join the phone bank team at the BTPG bunker on Thursday and Pekarsky will review your retirement plan and investment portfolio. Bring your statements with you.
Do you know what investments are in your 401K, IRA, Roth IRA or investment accounts? Bring your monthly statement and let Freeholder candidate and BTPG member Ed Pekarsky evaluate your investment portfolio.
He will provide an informal portfolio analysis and go over the investment holdings, along with discussing your allocation strategy. We should all know where our hard earned money is invested, let him assist with some of your financial planning needs.
Posted: May 13th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Primary Election | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Ed Pekarsky, free retirement and financial planning | 10 Comments »
Evidently, the Bayshore Tea Party Group leadership and their candidates don’t like the coverage MoreMonmouthMusings is giving their primary campaign. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Barbara Gonzalez introducing sheriff candidate Dan Peters in the first video below.
Leigh-Ann Bellew stopped taking my phone calls a couple of weeks ago. She told someone to pass along the message that I should deal with Dwayne Horner. Now Horner is not returning my calls. Freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsky asked that I post Tom Fitzsimmons’ email and if he could respond here. I told him he could. He hasn’t sent me his response. It’s OK with me that he isn’t responding, but hey, Gonzalez wrote that I censored Tea Party posts, which I didn’t, and then her candidate doesn’t send it a post he that requested.
When I met Dan Peters in early April, he said he would sit for an interview. I’m writing a story about him for publication later today or tomorrow. Peters hasn’t returned three calls since yesterday.
It’s a lot easier to write “Bellew (or Horner, Peters, Pekarsky, etc) didn’t return a phone call,” than it is to write up their comments, but I’d really rather give them an opportunity to tell their side of the story.
In that spirit, here they are, telling their own stories on video:
Dan Peters, Sheriff Candidate
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Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Dan Peters, Ed Largey, Ed Pekarsky, Edna Walsh, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Stephen Boracchia | 10 Comments »
Someone commissioned ‘phone ID’ calls in LD 13 that went out yesterday asking Republican primary voters if they planned to vote for Republican Senator Joe Kyrillos, Tea Party challenger Leigh-Ann Bellew or if they are unsure.
Listen to the recording here.
It was left as a voice mail at an MMM reader’s home. The caller ID said the call came from 602-357-5922, a Phoenix, AZ landline listed to Danny Crosby.
None of the competing campaigns or candidates will cop to paying for the call. There was no ‘paid for’ disclosure.
‘Phone ID’ calls are not polls, per se. The data collected is used for get out the vote (GOTV) planning.
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Posted: May 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth GOP | Tags: 602-357-5922, Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Chris Christie, Danny Crosby, Declan O'Scanlon, Ed Pekarsky, Joe Kyrillos, John Bennett, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Robo Calls | 32 Comments »

Ed Pekarsky
Matawan Councilman Tom Fitzsimmons responded yesterday to Bayshore Tea Party backed freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsky’s email to the Monmouth Young Republicans email list.
Both Fitzsimmons and Pekarsky have expressed a desire for MMM to publish Fitz’s response. We’re happy to oblige. Pekarsky and BTPG leaders expressed a desire that we use another of Pekarsky’s photos. We’re happy to oblige that request as well.
To my knowledge, we’ve never met. But since you decided to respond to an innocuous YR invite email with a self-serving and deluded email of your own, I feel compelled to respond.
Specifically, I am compelled to respond to this statement:
”…the party I have always identified myself with as 20’s-something republican are now labeling me and those I associate with as tea-party nut jobs, big mouth amateurs and those who have no place in the political process system etc.”
As I said, I don’t know you so I don’t know whether you are, in fact, a tea party nutjob or not, or whether you consort with known tea party nutjobs. However, I can understand how you could be confused with other tea party nutjobs, as you have clearly adopted their language.
By this I refer to your smug and condescending description of yourself and your new friends as “real” Republicans; your self-congratulatory mention of your constitutional principles when they have nothing to do with the office you’re currently seeking; your mention of the evil and ubiquitous “Republican establishment”, and the tone of your letter, which is part whiny little bitch and part martyr. Since you speak the language of tea party nutjobs, you can understand how people would assume you are one. And while not all tea party members are big mouth amateurs ( or nutjobs), many of the ones around here are. If you’re upset about being lumped in with them, don’t blame the lumpers.
Posted: April 30th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party, Ed Pekarsky, Tom Fitzsimmons | 25 Comments »

Amateur nutjob Ed Pekarsky. facebook photo
Bayshore Tea Party backed freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsy responded to an email invitation to a Monmouth County Young Republicans social event with a rant disparaging the Monmouth GOP.
While I am glad to see that Monmouth county YR’s are continuing on our traditions and prescribing to our republican principals, I did want to inform your group that over the past several years, what I knew as Republicans have changed. In many ways, old guard establishment republicanism now means larger government spending and more legislating against our freedoms while an arrogant elitism have captured the party that WE all dislike and we all have come to associate with the left in this country.
The email distribution list includes numerous Monmouth County Republican elected officials, Municipal Chairs, a state GOP staffer, a State GOP Committeeman, county employees, and former elected and party officials. Note to YR Chair Jessica Reyes…bcc is your friend.
Pekarsky went on to tell his audience that they are alienating “our own republican brothers and sisters.”
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Posted: April 29th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Ed Pekarsky | 42 Comments »

LD 13:Aberdeen, Atlantic Highlands, Fair Haven, Hazlet, Highlands, Holmdel, Keansburg, Keyport, Little Silver, Marlboro, Middletown, Monmouth Beach, Oceanport, Rumson, Sea Bright, Union Beach
The idea that State Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon could be defeated by their Tea Party challengers, Leigh-Ann Bellew for Senate and Edna Walsh and Stephen Boracchia for Assembly, in the June 4 primary is unthinkable, even laughable, to many Monmouth County Republicans.
But recent history and a look at the numbers indicate that an upset with statewide consequences could very well be in the making if the challenge is not taken seriously.
With only nominal competition in the governor’s race, voter turnout in the Republican primary on June 4 is likely to be very low. Therein lies the danger for the incumbents. Even “good Republicans” rarely vote in primaries. Even fewer if there is no perceived competition.
There are 34,216 registered Republicans in the 13th district. In the 2011 primary, the last time the legislature was on the ballot, only 2,274 Republicans voted. The challengers know that.
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Posted: April 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Amy Handlin, Assembly Republicans, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Diane Gooch, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | Tags: 13th legislative district, Amy Handlin, Brian Largey, BTPG, Dan Peters, Declan O'Scanlon, Ed Pekarsky, Edna Walsh, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Shaun Golden, Stephen Boracchia | 12 Comments »