Rita Dentino, Executive Director of Casa Freehold
Rita Dentino, Executive Director of Casa Freehold said her comments reported in the Sentinel and other Greater Media newspapers regarding a steady stream of unaccompanied Central American Youth arriving in Freehold Borough were not reported accurately. MMM relied on those reports earlier this week when reporting on the situation and State Senator Jennifer Beck’s response.
During an interview in her Freehold office, Dentino said that to her knowledge there has been only one refugee child, a 16 year old boy, that has arrived in Freehold from Central America since the first of the year and that there is no parade of children arriving at a rate of one per day. The Sentinel reported that Dentino said there were 5-10 young refugees in the Borough and that more were arriving daily. Denton told MMM that the 5-10 figure represents all young Central American youth that have come to Freehold over the last 11 years that she has worked at Casa Freehold, not a recent influx due to the situation on the United States’ southern border.
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Posted: August 7th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freehold, Immigration, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County | Tags: Casa Freehold, Central American refugees, Child refugees, Freehold Borough, Senator Jennifer Beck, U.S. borders | 14 Comments »
Read this update: CASA FREEHOLD DIRECTOR: There is no influx on Central American Youth in Freehold
Senator Jennifer Beck working with federal officials and Governor to handle the crisis
Between 5 and 10 Central American children, ages 11-16, who have crossed our borders without adults have found their way to Freehold Borough, according to a statement by Rita Dentino, Director of Casa Freehold, an immigrants rights organization that helps newly arrived immigrants integrate into the community.
Dentino said that more children are arriving everyday, according to a report in the Sentinal.
State Senator Jennifer Beck issued a statement today saying she is working with federal and state officials to secure funding to deal with the situation and to evaluate New Jersey’s legal options and obligations.
“This is an issue with far ranging implications that is being experienced all across the country. I am working closely with federal representatives and the Governor’s Office to fully understand our legal options and obligations. I am hopeful that money will come from the federal government as part of an overall response to this issue. There are real humanitarian, fiscal and capacity concerns so all decisions must be fully vetted. I will continue to communicate openly with local officials to keep all appraised of our progress.”
Published reports indicate that over 1,500 Central American children have arrived in New Jersey. The federal government operates only one 10 bed facility in the State, and none of the children are housed there.
Dentino told the Sentinal that she would be contacting DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) to begin the process of finding the children guardians.
Posted: August 3rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freehold, Immigration, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County, News | Tags: Casa Freehold, Central American Children, Freehold Borough, Immigration, Rita Dentino, Senator Jennifer Beck | 29 Comments »