In what is being viewed as a stinging rebuke to President Obama, the largely Jewish 9th Congressional District of New York elected Republican Bob Turner to the House of Representatives yesterday in a special election to replace disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.
The congressional seat had previously been held by Chuck Schumer and Geraldine Ferraro. The seat has been filled by a Democrat since 1923.
A MMM reader wrote:
You do not know how important this was. I lived in that district. When Schumer ran he would get 88-90 percent of the vote. R’s would put up a token. This is like a D winning in Rumson. This district is so ingrained with the New Deal it shows that Obama is very vulnerable because the district voters were not voting against Weprin or voting for Turner. They were voting against the Big “O.”
Posted: September 14th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Barack Obama, Bob Turner, Chuck Schumer, Geraldine Ferraro, NY CD9 | 3 Comments »
Embattled Congressman Anthony Weiner has announced his resignation from the House of Representatives.
Posted: June 16th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: Anthony Weiner | 6 Comments »

Congressman Anthony Weiner continues to ignore calls from the highest levels of his party to resign his office. He wants a leave of absence and rehabilitation instead. released 11 photos that Weiner took of himself with his blackberry in the House of Representatives Gym. Some were clothed, some nude or near nude. All weird. All sent to at least one woman.
I don’t see why Weiner even wants to hang on at this point. His political career is over.
Weiner should be calling Charlie Sheen and/or Jerry Springer looking for a gig as a reality TV show co-host.
Posted: June 12th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: Anthony Weiner | Comments Off on More Embarassing Weiner Photos Released
With that mug, no wonder he’s showing pictures of his crotch
While Mulshine’s headline is clever and funny, the rest of his blog post is weird, sexist, and homophobic:
And another aspect of this that should tick off any red-blooded male out there. Note in the video below a photo of Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, from Vogue magazine back when she was an aide to Hillary Clinton.
Seriously, guys, answer this: Would a dweeb like Anthony Weiner have the slightest chance with a babe like that if he weren’t a congressman?
Just asking.
The video Mulshine posted is a three year old gossip piece from the controversial blog that implies that Weiner’s wife is in a lesbian relationship with Hillary Clinton.
Mulshine’s use of that video raises several questions besides the obvious one:
1) Should Mulshine and his “red blooded” male readers be jealous of Weiner or Clinton?
2) Would Hillary Clinton have a chance with a woman like Abedin if she was not Hillary Clinton?
3) Would the mainstream media (Mulshine) and the new media (Ford) be speculating over Huma Adedin and Hillary Clinton if Adedin didn’t look the way she does? Quick…name the assistant of another first lady or Secretary of State.
4) Did Mulshine view the entire video before he posted it on Did he check the source?
5) How much longer will Mulshine have unedited access to post on
Posted: June 8th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Luke Ford, Paul Mulshine | 1 Comment »