GOP gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli and Middletown Mayor Tony Perry celebrate Middletown’s reorganization on January 3, 2021
Municipal reorganizations are a big deal for New Jersey elected officials, especially during a gubernatorial election year. Newly elected and reelected mayors, council and committee members, and fire chiefs are celebrated and their families are thanked by their communities for their sacrifice. The new officials make optimistic speeches about the future of the communities and big shots from state and county government show up to issue the Oaths of Office and pose for pictures.
In 2009 former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, not yet a declared candidate for Governor, was all over New Jersey swearing in mayors and council members on January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. His first stop was Middletown where he issued the Oath of Office to newly elected Committeeman Tony Fiore as Mayor Gerry Scharfenberger looked on.
Dr. Steven Landers, MD, CEO of VNA Health Group, administers the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to Dr. Terry Shlimbaum, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the VNA Community Health Centers on Saturday, Jan 2 at the Asbury Park Community Health Center
Over 700 healthcare workers in Monmouth County received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine during the holiday break as public health officials scrambled to ramp up their infrastructure to widely administer the shots as they become available.
Jack Ciattarelli, Republican candidate for Governor
By Art Gallagher
The race for the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey kicked off in December with dueling videos, social media posts, press releases and endorsements announced by the campaigns for Jack Ciatarelli and Doug Steinhardt.
Ciattarelli won the month and is a superior position going into the pre-nominating conventions, pre-primary season of January, February and March.
2021 will be a wild year in New Jersey politics, especially in Monmouth and Ocean Counties this spring. Here are some the probable and improbable things that we think will happen.
Joe Biden will be inaugurated President of the United States.
The US Census Bureau will release reapportionment numbers to the States in January, triggering the redistricting of New Jersey’s legislative districts and delaying Democrat and Republican nominating conventions until after the new district lines are drawn.
Jack Ciattarelli and Doug Steinhardt are competing for the chance to run against Governor Phil Murphy in 2021
Republican County Committee Members and delegates to GOP county nominating conventions throughout New Jersey should mark their calendars for January 23 and February 28 when gubernatorial contenders Jack Ciattarelli and Doug Steinhardt are scheduled to faceoff in debates hosted by The New Jersey Globe.
TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey’s veterans homes have been among the hardest hit places in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now we have more insight into the reasons behind the severity of the outbreaks, and it doesn’t reflect well on the Murphy Administration.
What could be more important for state government to be doing than starting vaccination of our elderly, 7,100 who have already died, on the first day? This is the biggest fail of the COVID response in New Jersey. There must be a better explanation than we missed it by a day!