Murphy Deploys 500 NJ National Guard Troops to Washington

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced this morning that he is deploying 500 National Guard troops to our nation’s capitol.
“Upon the request of the United States National Guard Bureau, I am authorizing the deployment of 500 members of the New Jersey National Guard to Washington, D.C. to protect our democracy and facilitate the peaceful transition of power,” Governor Murphy said in a prepared statement. “Our republic is built on the principles of democracy, peace, and the right of the American people to freely choose their leaders. The brave men and women of our National Guard will be deployed in order to preserve these sacred principles. May God Bless America and our brave men and women in uniform.”
help out the other states, which were burned and looted our major cities for months? Oh, forgot, nobody asked.. they were all justified in their “ peaceful protests.”..we appreciate all of our guard and all law personnel, however, the hypocrisy and double standard of the left is pathetic.