The New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association Retired Officers Local #600 has endorsed Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden for another three year term leading the county’s law enforcement and public safety office.
The endorsement was published in the September edition of New Jersey COPS magazine and followed an August 30th visit to the Monmouth County Public Safety Center in Freehold by Local 600 President Tom Lombardi and Local 600 State Delegate Jim Toma.
New Jersey State Senator Joe Kyrillos will not seek reelection in 2017, according to a report on Observer-PolitickerNJ.
“It has been the greatest privilege of my life to serve the people of my district and the state of New Jersey in the Legislature,” Kyrillos told the Observer. “Ever since I was a kid growing up in Monmouth County, I’ve always believed that public service is an important and noble profession. I am truly fortunate to have had the ability to serve for so many years in the state Senate, and I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished on behalf of the people of New Jersey.”
A senator since 1992, Kyrillos has been a consistently influential figure in Monmouth County, Trenton and beyond. Known for his elegant and diplomatic style, the silver haired gentleman from Middletown is a consensus and relationship builder who started his political career right out of college working for Vice President George H.W. Bush during the 1984 presidential campaign. After President Ronald Reagan’s reelection, Kyrillos served as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior until he was elected to the New Jersey General Assembly in 1987.
Custom made signs urging voters to support Donald Trump for President were vandalized and then stolen last week from the Yorktowne Center shopping plaza in Manalapan, according to Michael Dalton, the owner of the plaza.
Dalton said he installed two signs, one 4×6 and one 4×8 on his property encouraging visitors and drivers passing the plaza to forgive the GOP presidential nominee for his vulgar language and to disregard media reports that denigrate the candidate and suggest that he is losing the election.
“Don’t believe the media they are BAD,” the signs declared.
Congressman Frank Pallone and his Republican challenger, Atlantic Highlands School Board Member Brent Sonnek-Schmelz will engage in a candidates forum moderated by the League of Women Voters on Wednesday November 2 at Monmouth University’s Wilson Hall in West Long Branch. The forum will start at 7:30 p.m. and is scheduled to end at 9 p.m.
The candidates for New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District’s seat in the House of Representatives will make an opening statement and then take questions from the audience. Bill Madden from the Township of Ocean LWV will serve as the moderator.
Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty has taken a page out of Governor Chris Christie’s book by neglecting the job he was elected to while running for higher office.
The Asbury Park Pressis reporting that Doherty has missed most of the Belmar governing body’s meetings since he became a Democrat nominee for Freeholder in June. The amount of meetings he has missed this year, 8, is more than double all of his absences in the previous five years combined.
Just like Christie said he could govern New Jersey via smart phone from New Hampshire and Iowa, Doherty says his absenteeism is no big deal.
“A council meeting is maybe two hours a month. I spend well over 20 hours a week being the mayor of Belmar. So for two hours a month if I’m not available, that has zero impact on the ability to perform my function as the mayor of the town,” Doherty told The Press.
The Monmouth County Republican team for County Offices, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso released a video ad this afternoon that reminds voters of the $4.5 million property tax cut and outstanding services the county government provides.
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden launched a forum to prevent opiate abuse with students from area colleges and high schools yesterday, the Student Ambassadors For Heroin Use Prevention. The first program of its kind in the state of New Jersey, the ongoing program will bridge students and leaders of various agencies together, to address opiate addiction.
“Law enforcement, educational and behavioral healthcare professionals can’t combat this problem alone,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that our adolescents and young adults, along with the professionals, work together to provide new and innovative approaches, strategies and solutions. Through this initiative we hope to inhibit the wave of opiate use, addiction and related deaths.”
We’re three weeks before Election Day and the only policy proposal that the Monmouth County Democratic candidates for County office have made is Surrogate candidate Vincent Solomeno’s pledge to blatantly break the law with regard to the access to death certificates.
Maybe that’s because they know if they reveal plans to impose a rain water tax on Monmouth County property owners, Lawless Matt Doherty and Sketchy Sue Fulton know that they would even lose in Democrat strongholds like Neptune Township and Long Branch.
Contrary to nonsense being spread by the Monmouth County Democrats and the The Asbury Park Press, Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, a Republican, did not receive health benefits as compensation for being a Freeholder from 20012 through 2015. Neither DiMaso nor Monmouth County violated Freeholder resolutions passed in 2009 and 2010 prohibiting the county from providing health benefits to freeholders. DiMaso’s participation in Monmouth County’s health care plan did not cost the taxpayers of the county any money.