State Senator Vin Gopal of the 11th Legislative District renamed his public figure facebook page to Re-elect Senator Vin Gopal this morning and announced a virtual campaign kickoff event for January 21 over the weekend.
Committeeman Prakash Santhana prevails and will remain in office
Holmdel Committeeman Prakash Santhana
Prakash Santhana defeated Chiung-Yi Cheng Liu in the 2019 election for Holmdel Township Committee. The election, which was subject to a recount and legal contest was decided in a Court Order issued this morning, December 1, 2020, by Superior Court Judge Kathleen A. Sheedy.
It’s easy to lead when the wind is at your back and things are going well. But, the mark of true leadership is having the courage to stand up and speak the truth in the face of adversity. Unfortunately, for New Jersey Republicans, our current state party chairman Doug Steinhardt has failed that test.
Congressman Frank Pallone is continuing his decades long opposition to the rehabilitation of Fort Hancock, the historic and formerly picturesque military base on Sandy Hook.
Pallone initially supported the National Park Service’s plan to rehabilitate the fort in in the mid-1990’s through a public-private partnership ala The Presidio in San Francisco California. He flipped his position and joined the now deceased Judith Stanley Coleman in organizing opposition to Rumson developer James Wassel’s 60 year lease and proposed $100 million investment to rehab Officer’s Row while maintaining the historic nature of structures in the late 90’s.
This week Pallone spoke against a new proposal to allow private residential development at Sandy Hook, according to a press release by his office.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon and Congressman Chris Smith
The Presidential election is still being litigated, yet in Monmouth County, NJ where it took 10 days to count and report 97% of the ballots in the unprecedented paper ballot election ordered by Governor Murphy, the Monmouth County Republican Organization has scored huge undisputed victories. The Golden Era in Monmouth County continues stronger than ever.
Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon are stand outs this election season.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, November 13:
• Magic of Lights: Drive-Through Holiday
Experience at PNC Bank Arts Center (Holmdel) – MORE
• “12 Angry Jurors” by CBA’s Pegasus
Production Company (Lincroft) – MORE
Republican Deputy Mayor Evelyn Malsbury-O’Donell pulled ahead of Democrat Andre de Garmeaux on Monday in the race for a seat on the Howell Township Council which will determine partisan control of the governing body.
Congressman Chris Smith is leading Democrat Stephanie Schmid 59.2%-39.2% as of Friday afternoon and is expected to break the 60% threshold with the late reporting results throughout the 4th congressional district trending Republican.
Ross Licitra, Lillian Burry and Christine Giordano Hanlon
Monmouth County Republicans have recovered from the shock of seeing Democrats leading the ballot counts on Election Day and are getting ready to celebrate.
With 296,966 ballots reported at 5:05 on Friday afternoon, Republican County candidates are showing the dominant leads that the GOP has enjoyed in Monmouth for many years.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, November 6:
• Emily Grove Band at the Wonder Bar (Asbury
Park) – MORE
• Atlantic Cinemas Movie Night (Atlantic
Highlands) – MORE