Monmouth County Clerk M.Claire French, Robert Hanlon, Acting Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon and Judge Joseph W. Oxley
Monmouth County Clerk M. Claire French started her last day in office by holding the bible as her successor, Christine Giordano Hanlon, was sworn-in this morning by Superior Court Judge Joseph W. Oxley.
Hanlon is Governor Chris Christie’s nominee to replace French who announced her retirement effective today in early January. Hanlon will serve as Acting Clerk until she is confirmed by the NJ State Senate, or until she is elected to her own 5 year term. She is the Republican nominee for the position in this November’s election.
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Posted: March 31st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Christine Hanlon, Joe Oxley, Monmouth County | Tags: Christine Giordano Hanlon, Christine Hanlon, County Clerk M. Claire French, Joe Oxley, Judge Joseph Oxley, M. Claire French, Monmouth County Clerk | 3 Comments »

Photo credit: Rhoda Chodosh
There was little talk of bi-partisanship in Colts Neck yesterday morning at the Monmouth Republican Nominating Convention. The Republican nominee for Governor showed up at the Monmouth County Republican Nominating Convention.
Governor Chris Christie brought the crowd of some 400 county committee members and guests to their feet several times as he declared that it is he, and the Republicans who have stood with him “along with some right thinking Democrats,” who have turned Trenton upside down since he was elected in 2009.
Christie acknowledged the impact that the Monmouth GOP had in his 2009 victory over Jon Corzine. “When most people didn’t know me, you gave me a chance. When nobody thought I could win, you did,” Christie told the crowd as he thanked Monmouth for the 64,000 vote pluarity he won in the county in ’09 general election and the first GOP county endorsement he received in the ’09 primary. He specifically thanked former Monmouth Republican Chairman Joe Oxley who is now out of politics after being sworn in as a Superior Court Judge on Friday. “I will miss Joe’s political partnership,” said the governor, “but I know New Jersey will be well served by Joe in his new position, which I had something to do with him getting.”
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Posted: March 24th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth GOP Convention | 1 Comment »

Photo credit: Scarcini, Hollenbeck
Former Monmouth County Sheriff Joe Oxley’s nomination to the Superior Court was confirmed by the State Senate this afternoon after having been unanimously approved by the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee earlier in the day.
Four of the other nominees confirmed today will be joining Oxley on the Monmouth County bench. Angela White Dalton of Howell, a former Township Councilwoman, Katie A. Gummer of Rumson, Arnold L. Natali, Jr of Little Silver and Mara E. Zazzali-Hogan of Shrewsbury are each expected to be confirmed by the Senate today. Zazzali-Hogan is the daughter of former NJ Chief Justice James R. Zazzali. Zazzali was Chief Justice for seven months, October 2006 until his mandatory retirement in June of 2007, after being nominated for the top post by Governor Corzine. He became an Associate Justice in June of 2000.
Monmouth County Assignment Judge Lawrence M. Lawson told MMM last December that the Court has been operating with six vacancies. Kathy Sheedy of Cream Ridge was nominated by Governor Christie on Monday to fill the final vacancy.
Lawson was not available when MMM called this afternoon to ask what the assignments will be for the new judges.
Monmouth County Senators Jennifer Beck and Joe Kyrillos issued the following statement praising the New Jersey Senate’s confirmation of five Monmouth County residents to be judges of the Superior Court:
“Monmouth County, like counties across the state, has had a number of judicial vacancies that have caused backlogs in our court system. We are pleased that the New Jersey Senate has finally taken action to confirm qualified nominees. By filling judicial vacancies, we can ensure that all kinds of legal proceedings, from criminal trials to divorce proceedings, can be heard in court in a timely manner.”
Judge Lawson told MMM this afternoon that despite his Monmouth County residence, Natali will be assigned to the Middlesex County Vicinage. If Sheedy is confirmed by the Senate, the Monmouth Court will still have a vacancy.
A second vacancy will occur if Judge David F. Bauman is confirmed as an Associate Justice of the State Supreme Court. Bauman and Board of Public Utilities President Robert Hanna were nominated to the Supreme Court by Governor Christie on December 10, 2012. Senate President Steve Sweeney said this week that he wouldn’t be rushed into holding confirmation hearings for the two Supreme Court nominations.
Lawson said that the new Monmouth Judges will be assigned in either Family Court or Civil Court. He has yet to determine who will be assigned where.
Posted: February 7th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Court | Tags: Angela White Dalton, Arnold L. Natali Jr, Chief Justice James R. Zazzali, Governor Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, Judge David F. Bauman, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Katie A Gummer, Mara E. Zazzali-Hogan, Middlesex County Vicinage, NJ Supreme Court, Seante President Steve Sweeney | 6 Comments »
Media bias evident when contrasting coverage of allegations against Oxley to allegations against Menendez
Former Monmouth County Sheriff Joe Oxley will finally get a hearing on his nomination to become a Superior Court Judge.
The Star Ledger is reporting that Senate Democrats have reached a “blockbuster deal” to hold hearings on 20 judicial nominations, including Oxley’s, this week. The Senate Judiciary Committee has been sitting on these nominations with no action for months and New Jersey’s court system is backed up due to 55 judicial vacancies on the Superior Court level.
The Ledger is characterising Oxley’s nomination as “controversial” based upon their own report of a leaked deposition transcript wherein convicted fraudster Soloman Dwek said that Oxley gave him insider information regarding foreclosures in exchange for campaign contributions. The FBI investigated Dwek’s allegations and like many other of his tales, found that they were without merit.
The Ledger obviously thinks nothing of smearing a Republican’s good name based on allegations that have been investigated and dismissed, yet as we have seen since early November, they’ve been hiding from the public Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Menendez alleged ethics violations and patronage of underage victims of prostitution.
Is Soloman Dwek a more credible source than State Senator Sam Thompson? Thompson filed an ethics complaint against Menendez on November 3rd, 2012 yet there was no mention of it in the Ledger until last week after the FBI raided the office of Menendez’s friend and campaign contributor Dr. Salomom Malgen in Florida.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and much of the left stream media has justified their lack of coverage of the Menendez scandal because of “the source,” the conservative website The Daily Caller. MMM has learned that The Daily Caller’s source shopped the Menendez story to The Star Ledger before going to The Caller.
There would be no controversy over Oxley’s nomination had The Star Ledger declined to turn a politically motivated leaked of Dwek’s allegations into a salacious story.
Shame on The Star Ledger for smearing the good name and threatening the career of Joe Oxley based on the word of Soloman Dwek while ignoring the words of Sam Thompson and giving Bob Menendez political cover.
Posted: February 4th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Bob Menendez, Joe Oxley, NJ Media | Tags: Dr. Salomon Malgen, Joe Oxley, Soloman Dwek, Star Ledger | 2 Comments »
State Street Wire, the pay sister site of Politickernj, is reporting that Governor Chris Christie said that the controversy State Senator Ray Lesniak is making over former Monmouth County Sheriff Joe Oxley’s nomination as a Superior Court Judge is “just another excuse” by Lesniak and the Democrats not to give Christie’s judicial nominations confirmation hearings.
Lesniak wants the FBI’s files from their investigation into Solomon Dwek’s allegations that Oxley, while sheriff, tipped off the real estate swindler to foreclosures in Monmouth County prior to the information becoming public. Oxley has refused to authorize the release of the files and the Justice Department has declined Lesniak’s appeal that the public interest outweighs Oxley’s privacy.
Christie said that his successor as US Attorney, Paul Fishman, found “no factual basis” in Dwek’s claims.
Christie said he knows first-hand how the data provided by cooperating witnesses can be.
“Sometimes it can be reliable, sometimes it can be fiction,” he said. “I think it’s unfair to put that kind of fiction on the public stream.”
Christie said that the judiciary committee should do its job and hold a confirmation hearing for Oxley.
Oxley has referred requests for comment to the governor’s office.
As a practicing attorney, Oxley could have legitimate reasons, including attorney-client privilege, for refusing to authorize the release of his recorded conversations.
Posted: October 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Court, NJ Courts, NJ Democrats, NJ Judiciary, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, Ray Lesniak | 2 Comments »
The Star Ledger is reporting that Joe Oxley’s nomination to the New Jersey Superior Court is in jeopardy because the U.S. Justice Department will not release FBI files from the investigation into the former sheriff resulting from Solomon Dwek’s allegations.
Dwek accused Oxley of sharing information about foreclosures before such information became public, thereby giving the real estate swindler a leg up to acquire those properties. No wrong doing was discovered during the FBI investigation which included recording Oxley.
State Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-Union), a member of the judiciary committee that screens judicial nominations, filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the Oxley files after The Star Ledger reported there existence last June. The FBI declined the request, citing Oxley’s privacy. Oxley did not respond to Lesniak’s request that he authorize the release of the files. The Justice Department declined Lesniak’s appeal if the initial rejection.
State Senator Nicolas Scutari, chairman the the senate judiciary committee, was non-commital about Oxley’s nomination:
“I wouldn’t say it’s absolutely over, but I would say that’s certainly a piece of information that we’d like and it does jeopardize it to some degree,” he said. “I don’t think Senator Lesniak is wrong in requesting that information.”
Oxley declined to comment and referred questions to Governor Christie’s office.
Oxley, an attorney in private practice, could have numerous legitimate reasons, including attorney-client privilege, for declining to authorize the release of his recorded conversations.
Posted: October 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Court, NJ Courts, NJ Judiciary, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Joe Oxley, Senator Ray Lesniak | 4 Comments »
In Chris Christie:The Inside Story of His Rise to Power, authors Bob Ingle and Michael Symons describe U.S. Attorney Christie’s reluctance to use Solomon Dwek as informant during the Operation Bid Rig investigation in 2006. “Do I really want to get in bed with this guy?” Christie is described as asking his deputies who were pushing for approval to make Dwek an informant.
Ironically given how Democrats and defendants have argued that the July 2009 arrests based on Dwek’s sting were politically motivated to help Christie, the Deputy U.S. Attorneys advocating the sting argued to Christie that he would have been acting politically if he did not approve Dwek’s cooperation.
If this Star Ledger article by Matt Friedman is an indication of charades to come this summer, the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will make Joe Oxley’s confirmation hearing for his Superior Court Judgeship nomination a payback for the unceremonious end to former House Speaker, Senator and Commissioner of Community Affairs Joe Doria’s career when he his home was raided during the July 2009 federal operation.
Doria has been cleared of any wrongdoing. He has a letter from the U.S. Attorney, just like John Bennett does, but his career in public service is over. Maybe Doria can become Chairman of the Hudson County Democrats some day.
U.S. Senate nominee Joe Kryillos is in the Democrats sites as well. Dwek is the ammunition.
Democratic State Chairman John Wisniewski Tuesday issued a list of questions for Kyrillos, including how often he met with Dwek, what was discussed, who else was in attendance and whether he was ever contacted by law enforcement about it. “If you deny this and suggest Dwek is lying, does that raise the possibility with you that Dwek’s testimony that convicted others should be questioned?” Wisniewski wrote.
Kyrillos campaign spokesman Chapin Fay did not directly respond to Wisniewski, instead repeating that Kyrillos did nothing to help Dwek.
During the trial of Ridgefield Mayor Anthony Suarez it was revealed that among the diobalical schemes Dwek deployed in the 14 years leading to his 2006 arrest was a life insurance scam. Dwek paid the life insurance premiums of people close to death who could not afford to keep their policies. Upon the death of the insured, Dwek would give the deceased’s family 10% of the policy proceeds and pocket the rest.
Dwek’s father tried to get Soloman a pardon from President George W. Bush. Maybe President Obama will pardon Dwek if he helps knock Chris Christie down a notch and helps keep Bob Menendez in the Senate.
Posted: June 13th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Ingle, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, NJ Judiciary | Tags: Bob Ingle, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Joe Doria, Joe Kryillos, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Matt Friedman, Michael Symons, Soloman Dwek, Star Ledger | 64 Comments »

Photo credit: Scarcini, Hollenbeck
When Joe Oxley was elected Monmouth County Chairman in June of 2008, by acclamation and with no opposition, he took over a party that had gone through six tumultuous years that left it in debt, fractured and on the verge of losing control of Monmouth County’s government for the first time in two decades.
Four years later, the Monmouth GOP holds all seats on the Freeholder Board, all Constitutional offices, all Legislative seats in the county and the vast majority of municipal offices throughout the county. New Jersey has a Republican Governor who would not have been elected if not for the voter turnout in Monmouth County.
One year prior to taking on the Chairmanship, Oxley made the politically shocking and personally risky decision not to seek a fourth term as Monmouth County Sheriff. Oxley had excelled as Sheriff. He made a national name for himself and for the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Department. He was one of, if not the most, respected and popular elected officials in Monmouth County. He was risking his career to lay the ground work for taking over the Monmouth GOP Chairmanship a year later in order to save the imploding party from itself.
A hunger for leadership and stability caused the various factions of the party to lay down their arms to acclaim Oxley the Chair without opposition. Leadership, stability and winning is what they got, whether the faction leaders liked it or not. Most often they didn’t as Oxley frustrated almost every party leader, ally or foe, during his two terms with an unorthodox but extremely effective leadership style that had nothing to do with building his personal popularity but everything to do with bringing leadership, stability and victory back to the party. One could easily make an argument that he sacrificed much of his personal popularity for the good of the party.
During his Chairmanship, Oxley earned his living as a municipal attorney. He wasn’t greedy. He didn’t abuse his political power for personal gain. The level of work he took on was modest. He and his new law partners lead the way in reducing legal fees on the county and municipal levels.
As Oxley moves on to the next phase of his professional life he still faces risks resulting from his 2007 decision to give up an office, Sheriff, that was securely his for as long as he wanted it, in order to provide a greater service to the county that he loves. The obviously politically timed release of Solomon Dwek’s 2006 allegations against Oxley, allegations that had been released two years ago, albeit with less detail, will make Oxley’s confirmation as a Superior Court Judge more difficult.
As the Monmouth County Republican Party concludes a heated campaign to choose Oxley’s successor tonight, we should first lay down our arms, as we did in asking him for leadership in 2008, and thank him profoundly for a job well done.
Posted: June 12th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Joe Oxley, Monmouth GOP | Comments Off on Oxley Righted The Ship

Photo credit: Scarcini, Hollenbeck
Governor Chris Christie nominated Monmouth County Republican Chairman Joe Oxley to the Superior Court this afternoon.
Oxley, who will complete his second term as Monmouth GOP Chair upon the election of his successor on June, 12, is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Delaware Law School. He was elected Monmouth County Sheriff in 1995 after defeating William Lanzaro in the GOP primary and served as Sheriff until 2007. He is a partner in the Scarinci Hollenbeck law firm and an adjunct professor at Monmouth University.
Oxley was elected Chairman by acclamation in June of 2008. After narrowly losing control of the Monmouth County Freeholder Board in the Obama election of 08, Oxley brought stability and three straight victorious elections to a previously divided party. He will leave his successor with a 5-0 Freeholder Board and an entirely Republican legislative delegation.
Oxley’s nomination has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee for a confirmation hearing.
Former Senate President John Bennett and State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon are running to replace Oxley as Monmouth GOP Chair.
Posted: May 14th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, NJ Judiciary, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Christine Hanlon, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Joseph W Oxley, Monmouth County Vicinage, Monmouth GOP, New Jersey Superior Court | 11 Comments »
Former Senate President John O. Bennett, III told MMM that he is interested in seeking the Monmouth County GOP Chairmanship.
“I’ve declined many times in the past and I support Joe Oxley as Chairman,” said Bennett, “however if he becomes a judge, I would be interested. ”
Bennett said he would talk it over with his family before moving forward.
Posted: May 4th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Chairman, Monmouth GOP | 40 Comments »