Stephanie Schmid in a campaign video from her Little Silver home. The house is for sale with open houses on Feb 6 and 7.
Stephanie Schmid, Congressman Chris Smith’s Democrat opponent in the 2020 election, has listed her Little Silver home for sale, according to a posting at
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon and Congressman Chris Smith
The Presidential election is still being litigated, yet in Monmouth County, NJ where it took 10 days to count and report 97% of the ballots in the unprecedented paper ballot election ordered by Governor Murphy, the Monmouth County Republican Organization has scored huge undisputed victories. The Golden Era in Monmouth County continues stronger than ever.
Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon are stand outs this election season.
Congressman Chris Smith scored a decisive victory in the 4th Congressional District of New Jersey, defeating Democrat Stephanie Schmid in all three Counties in the district.
With an estimated 70% of the votes reported in the district, Smith leads Schmid 57%-42% on Wednesday morning, according to Decision Desk HQ.
Democrats appear to be winning in Monmouth County for the first time since 2008 after the first round of paper ballots were reported.
However, there are 150,000-200,000 ballots yet to be counted.
With 189, 594 votes reported on Tuesday night, Joe Biden is leading for President, Cory Booker is leading for U.S. Senate and Democrats Michael Penna and Moira Nelson are narrowly leading Republicans Lillian Burry and Ross Licitra for two Freeholder (soon to be known as County Commissioners) seats.
I didn’t make that prediction until the early morning of Election Day when I got a phone call reporting two hour long lines in the Republican areas of Ohio before the polls opened. Tommy wants me to make my 2020 prediction 14 hours earlier.
3.25 million New Jerseyans had already voted as of 5 pm on Friday, October 30. If you’re one of the estimated 2 million that intend to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, expect to wait on line for several hours.
During a candidates forum hosted by NJGlobe prior to the July 7 Democrat primary, Stephanie Schmid revealed that she has pre-existing conditions.
Schmid, the unemployed lawyer who lives in a multi-generational household and is running against Congressman Chris Smith, has exhibited signs of Pseudologia Fantastica throughout her campaign. Her condition was on full display yesterday in her interactions with the New Jersey Globe.
Stephanie Schmid, the unemployed lawyer who lives with her mother and is running against Congressman Chris Smith, hung up on a reporter when given the chance to correct documented lies in her campaign mailer about Smith’s votes on protecting healthcare coverage with people with preexisting conditions and an “age tax.”