Kyrillos has a New Jersey style welcome for the Vice President
I wonder how much of Corzine’s missing $1.2 billion will end up in Menendez’s coffers.
“It’s disturbing that Joe Biden gets his economic advice from non-other than Jon Corzine, the same man that nearly bankrupted New Jersey and has since bankrupted MF Global,” said Senator Joe Kyrillos. “Corzine is also the same man that appointed Bob Menendez to the Senate. No wonder our economy is in so much trouble.”
Since Bob Menendez was appointed by Jon Corzine to fill his seat in the Senate, the national debt has jumped from $8.1 trillion to $15.3 trillion, the annual deficit has grown from $250 billion to over $1 trillion and unemployment has risen from 4.7% to 8.3%.
“The Corzine-Biden-Menendez economic team promises nothing but more of the same – more spending, more debt, more job-killing regulations. With a record like that why would anyone listen to what they say?” added Kyrillos.
Anna Little is not a lock for the Monmouth or Middlesex county Republican endorsements to take on Congressman Frank Pallone in the 6th district.
The news that Little will not challenge State Senator Joe Kyrillos for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination was met by party regulars and leaders with mild relief, followed by angst at the thought of her being on ticket in the coming campaign.
Party leaders are being cautious not to provoke Little back into the Senate race, an unlikely event as she has been uable to collect sufficient petition signatures for the Senate bid, but they would not be disappointed to see her sit this one out all together.
If she runs for Congress, Little has to be considered the front runner for the party endorsements. Yet many of the Monmouth and Middlesex County screening committee are taking a look at Enresto Cullari, the virtually unknown candidate who announced last week.
Seeing no candidates to challenge Pallone, Cullari decided to run last Wednesday and announced his candidacy on Friday as the news of Little’s switch from the Senate race to the Congressional race started to spread throughout the Monmouth and Middlesex GOP.
Cullari is positioning himself as the more disciplined and better financed choice to support Joe Kyrillos and the County slates.
In an email to screening committee members to be followed by mailer, Cullari said:
I believe that I can raise more money, launch a more disciplined offensive against Pallone, bring more positive attention to the Republican ticket and best help Senator Kyrillos carry on Governor Christie’s work for the state of New Jersey.
He attached this introduction letter touting his accomplishments, vision and unique ethnicity…he’s Filipino, Irish, Ecudorian and Africa…which he says poses a threat to the “grossly false assertions” that the Republican Party is “white and homogenous.”
The Middlesex GOP screening committee meets tonight to make its recommendation to the convention which will endorse a candidate on March 24th.
The Monmouth GOP nominating committee meets to award its endorsement on Friday morning, March 16.
For those who doubt the veracity of our sources here at MMM, and are waiting for an announcement from Anna Little that she is dropping out of the U.S. Senate race, consider that Little was working the room at State Senator Joe Kyrillos’s fundraiser in Holmdel tonight.
Expect an announcement from the former Highlands Mayor, no later than Wednesday, that she will seek the nomination to once again challenge Frank Pallone in the 6th Congressional District. The MiddlesexCounty GOP screening committee meets on Wednesday night. Little has confirmed to Middlesex GOP officials that she will be there seeking the 6th district nod.
Ernesto Cullari has also been invited to the Middlesex County screening.
The Monmouth County GOP primary line will be awarded by the nominating committee on Friday morning. The Middlesex County GOP primary line will be awarded at a convention on Saturday March 24.
Republican Primary in NJ-CD 6 between Anna Little and Ernesto Cullari looks likely
Anna Little, the former Monmouth County Freeholder and Mayor Highlands, will not be a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate. She has started to gather petition signatures for the 6th congressional district nomination. An announcement is planned for early next week.
Little was the GOP nominee against Congressman Frank Pallone in the 6th in 2010.
When asked to confirm Little’s switch from the Senate race to the House race, campaign manager Larry Cirignamo said, “I don’t know.”
Little has been reaching out to county chairs this week, who are overwhelmingly supporting State Senator Joe Kyrillos for the U.S. Senate nomination. She cancelled a scheduled appearance for Republican Senate candidates with the New Jersey Tea Party Caucus.
Should Little decide to seek a rematch against Pallone, she will first have to get past a primary with Asbury Park resident Ernesto Cullari.
Cullari is a songwriter, producer and coach for young acting talent. His clients have performed for Disney and Nickelodeon. He is also an Orthopedic Consultant working in operating rooms installing dynamic splints. Cullari writes the weekly Justified Right column in The triCityNews.
Cullari told MMM that he decided to run for Congress on Wednesday of this week. He will pursue the nomination regardless of Little or anyone else entering the race. He will seek the support of the Monmouth and Middlesex County Republican organizations and compete in the primary.
The Monmouth County GOP is holding its candidate selection committee meeting on Friday morning March 16th. Middlesex County GOP is holding a convention on Saturday March 24th.
Our friend Charles Measley, who wakes up every morning thinking of what hell he can unleash on Frank Pallone’s life, is having a caption contest for this photo snapped of Pallone and Bob Menendez at yesterday’s Belmar St. Patrick’s Parade:
If you leave your caption on Charles’s Frank Pallone Not For New Jerseyfacebook page you will be eligible for a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift card courtesy of Charles.
If you leave your caption here, you can read for free this week.
It has taken Sen. Menendez 17 years in Washington to offer a jobs proposal. The unfortunate thing is during Sen. Menendez’ time in the U.S. Senate unemployment has skyrocketed from 4.7% to 8.3% as he voted for higher taxes, more spending and job killing regulations. His only solution is to attack the private sector, oppose energy independence and job producing projects and demand higher taxes to fix our economy.
I will fight to close the spigot on Washington spending, reform our tax code so it is friendly to the taxpayer and small businesses and pass a balanced budget amendment that forces Congress to spend within its means rather than endless borrowing of money from China. Anything less is unacceptable.
“New Jersey needs Joe Kyrillos in the U.S. Senate”
Morris, Somerset and Union Counties – March 2… Today, Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean and Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick endorsed Senator Joe Kyrillos for United States Senate.
Senate Leader Tom Kean said, “Joe Kyrillos has been a reliable conservative warrior on behalf of New Jersey taxpayers throughout his entire career. Joe has been a leader in the Senate and a valuable ally as we change business as usual in Trenton. I consider Joe and his wife Susan to be among my closest friends and as the people across New Jersey get to know Joe throughout this campaign, they will come to realize just as I have, that Joe is just the reformer we need to send to Washington, DC to change business as usual in our nation’s capital.”
Assembly Leader Jon Bramnick said, “Joe Kyrillos has been an incredible ally in our effort to fix New Jersey’s fiscal mess and I am proud to endorse him today. Not only has he been an ally, but he’s also been a leader – he led the charge for us in the Senate as we fought together for Governor Christie’s ‘Tool Kit’ initiative to reform government and cap our property taxes. He has played a vital role in the reforms we have been able to pass to get the New Jersey comeback started. When you compare Joe’s record of accomplishment to Bob Menendez’s failed record, it becomes crystal clear – New Jersey needs Joe Kyrillos in the U.S. Senate.”
Senator Joe Kyrillos said, “I am proud and humbled to have the endorsement of two of New Jersey’s leaders and most accomplished legislators. Today’s endorsement of my campaign by my friends Senator Kean and Assemblyman Bramnick demonstrates that our message of reform is resonating across this great state. Our representatives in Washington are failing us. They offer us nothing new or different—just more of the same: More spending, more debt, more job-killing regulation. I am running on my record of reform and I know that together, we can prove again what a free and enterprising people are capable of. We can renew America’s promise of opportunity, and make New Jersey proud. I don’t take this responsibility lightly, and I won’t let you down.”
Senator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Jr., 51, is married to Susan Doctorian Kyrillos and they live in Middletown with their children Max and Georgia. He began serving New Jersey’s 13th Legislative District in 1988 when he was elected to the General Assembly. After spending two terms in the Assembly he was elected to the Senate where he has served since 1993. In addition to his official duties, the Senator is employed as Senior Managing Director of Colliers International, the commercial real estate services firm with offices in New York and Parsippany. He is also an advisor to the Newport Capital Group in Red Bank, NJ.
As Governor Christie has often said, Republicans underestimate President Barack Obama at their own peril.
Using the authority granted to him in the ObamaCare bill that had to be passed before America could find out what was in it, Obama mandated that contraceptives be covered by all health insurance plans, including those provided by employers affiliated with religions that are morally opposed to contraception.
Obama laid a trap for Republicans. They fell for it like a horny teenage girl whose boyfriend promised her he would pull out. It’s almost too late to reverse the consequences.
Now the national debate is over contraception. Not unemployment. Not foreclosures. Not war. Not terrorism. Not the price of gasoline. Not the national debt. Not the mandates of ObamCare. We’re having a national debate about contraception. Republicans have been framed as anti-contraception and as too far out of the mainstream to be a relevant political party.
Republicans could have framed this debate in context of their commitment to repeal ObamaCare if the law is not overturned by the Supreme Court. Instead they got into a national debate over contraception that will hamper, if not destroy, their chances of winning the White House and/or the Senate, even if the Court overturns ObamaCare.
Republicans in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail need to stop talking about contraception. They don’t have the votes to stop what Obama is doing. If they keep doing what they are doing, they never will.
82% Don’t Know Enough About Kyrillos To Form An Opinion On His U.S. Senate Candidacy
New Jersey voters continue to approve of the job Governor Chris Christie is doing, according to a Quinnipiac poll released this morning.
Christie’s job approval is 55-38%, with a significant gender gap. Men approve of the governor 62-32% while woman approve 49-44%.
New Jersey voters approved of Christie’s proposed income tax cut by a 55-31% margin.
If Christie were selected as the vice presidential nominee, his presence on the ballot as Mitt Romney’s running mate would close the gap between Romney and President Obama, but not by enough to carry the state. Obama beats Romney 49-39% in New Jersey. The gap closes to 49-43% if Christie in Romney’s VP choice.
In the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Democrat Bob Menendez bests Republican Joe Kyrillos by 49-34% with Independents favoring the Democrat 44-32%.
82% of the respondents did not know enough about Kyrillos to form and opinion.
“Sen. Robert Menendez’s numbers are only so-so, but nobody has heard of State Sen. Joe Kyrillos. He gets only the generic Republican vote,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
In the Republican presidential primary, Romney leads former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum 38-24%, with Texas Congressman Ron Paul coming in third with 12%. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gets 9%. The Republican primary survey has a margin of error of +/- 4.6%.
Obama beats all Republican contenders in New Jersey. Santorum by 52-34%, Gingrich by 55-30% . If Quinnipiac polled Paul against Obama, they did not report the results.
Quinnipiac surveyed 1396 registered voters, 446 (32%) of them Republicans, between February 21-27. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.6%
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little has filed her federal paper work registering as a candidate for United States Senate.
Friends of Anna Little was designated as principle campaign committee on the FEC Form 1 STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION that was signed by campaign treasurer Brett Rappaport on January 31, 2012 and received by the Secretary of the Senate on February 8, 2012.
The committee has established bank accounts at Valley National Bank in Highlands, NJ and First Virginia Community Bank in Fairfax, VA.