The surge in gas prices that swept over New Jersey after Hurricane Harvey closed Gulf Coast refineries may be pulling back, experts said. And the state should be spared a repeat of spikes seen in Florida in the last week, unless Hurricane Irma or another storm takes an unexpected trip up the eastern seaboard. “You have… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 12th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey | Tags: gas prices, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Comments Off on Why gas prices will fall ‘like a feather’ over the next month
Along with warmer weather and longer days, the month of April will likely bring higher gas prices. For naysayers who say they’ve heard this before, pump prices increased a nickel last week driven by rising crude oil and wholesale gas prices. “It’s countrywide. We’re on the threshold of a couple of significant increases,” said Tom Kloza,… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 10th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: gas prices, Monmouth County News | 2 Comments »
TRENTON (AP) — Motorists are seeing sharply higher prices at the pumps in New Jersey. AAA Mid-Atlantic says the average price of a gallon of regular gas in the state on Friday was $1.65, up 8 cents from last week. But that’s still much lower than the price from a year ago, when motorists were paying… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 12th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: News | Tags: gas prices, Gasoline Prices, New Jersey | 2 Comments »
The decline in gas prices has slowed as prices dropped just two cents in the past week, and some gas stations with the cheapest prices could actually see prices start to increase. If there… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 22nd, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, News | Tags: gas prices, Iran, Monmouth County News, New Jersey News, OPEC | Comments Off on Why the great gas decline of the past year is nearing an end

Don’t panic. Rising gas prices are not steadily marching toward the $3 a gallon mark, experts are saying. But it also doesn’t mean they will slide down below the $2 a gallon mark that drivers have enjoyed in the recent past. “The bright side is what we saw in the last week isn’t the start of…
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 16th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey | Tags: gas prices, New Jersey, Oil prices | Comments Off on Gas prices going up, but not likely to hit the dreaded $3 a gallon
As Governor Christie has often said, Republicans underestimate President Barack Obama at their own peril.
Using the authority granted to him in the ObamaCare bill that had to be passed before America could find out what was in it, Obama mandated that contraceptives be covered by all health insurance plans, including those provided by employers affiliated with religions that are morally opposed to contraception.
Obama laid a trap for Republicans. They fell for it like a horny teenage girl whose boyfriend promised her he would pull out. It’s almost too late to reverse the consequences.
Now the national debate is over contraception. Not unemployment. Not foreclosures. Not war. Not terrorism. Not the price of gasoline. Not the national debt. Not the mandates of ObamCare. We’re having a national debate about contraception. Republicans have been framed as anti-contraception and as too far out of the mainstream to be a relevant political party.
Republicans could have framed this debate in context of their commitment to repeal ObamaCare if the law is not overturned by the Supreme Court. Instead they got into a national debate over contraception that will hamper, if not destroy, their chances of winning the White House and/or the Senate, even if the Court overturns ObamaCare.
Republicans in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail need to stop talking about contraception. They don’t have the votes to stop what Obama is doing. If they keep doing what they are doing, they never will.
It’s the economy, stupid.
Posted: March 2nd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Stupid Republicans | Tags: anti-contraception, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Contraception, Economy, foreclosures, gas prices, gasoline, health insurance, horny teenager, It's the economy, mandates, national debate, national debt, ObamaCare, stupid, Stupid Republicans, Terrorism, Unemployment, war | 13 Comments »