
An Obama Voter Interviews Herself. Four Years Later

From ChicksOnTheRight

Posted: July 25th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , | Comments Off on An Obama Voter Interviews Herself. Four Years Later

Guess who’s coming to dinner

Over at NJ.com Star Ledger columnist John Farmer tells a tale of a dinner party he attended where he asked his fellow Caucasian guests (and hosts presumably) if they believe President Obama was born outside of the United States and if they believe he is a Muslim.  Most of the guest at the party that took place in a “pretty typical” “slightly upper-middle class neighborhood” admitted to believing that Obama is a foreign born Muslim, so said Farmer in the piece, After nearly four years of Barack Obama, is white America still uneasy with a black man in the White House?  Most of the commenters at NJ.com think the column is fiction.

How could Obama even have become president if white America was uneasy with a black man in the White House?

After four years, more Americans of all races are uneasy with that particular black man in the White House!    Herman Cain or Allen West would not make me uneasy.  Condoleeza Rice wouldn’t make me uneasy.  Colin Powell’s uneasiness makes me uneasy, not his skin color.

Farmer’s column is likely the an early indication of how the race card will be played by the left stream media in conjunction with the Obama campaign over the next four + plus months.

What will happen is “white guilt” isn’t working according to polling data come October?  What will the lefties do if Mitt Romney chooses a black running mate?

Posted: July 23rd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Race | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Quinnipiac: Menendez and Obama leading in NJ by double digits

72 % of New Jersey voters still do not know enough about Joe Kyrillos, thus Bob Menendez has slightly widened his lead in the U.S. Senate race, according to a Qunnipiac poll released this morning.

Menendez favorablity rating remains weak, especially for an incumbent, at 37%-25% with 36% not knowing enough about him to form an opinion.

Barack Obama is leading Mitt Romney in New Jersey by 49%-38%.  Romney’s favorability rating is upside down, 35%-43%.

New Jersey voters are split over ObamaCare.  47% favor keeping it, 45% favor repealing it.

Posted: July 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments »

NY Post: Christie will be keynoter in Tampa

The NY Post is reporting that back channel word is going out to New Jersey Republican activists that Governor Chris Christie will be deliverying the keynote address at the Republican National Convention on August 28 in Tampa.

Posted: July 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: , , | 4 Comments »

Romney hits back at Obama lies

Invoking Hillary Clinton from her ill-fated 2008 Democratic presidential primary against Barack Obama, the Romney for President campaign is releasing a television ad today that pushes back on Obama’s claims that Romney outsourced jobs while managing Bain Capital.

Posted: July 12th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »

He REALLY doesn’t want Romney to ask him to run for V.P.

Governor Chris Christie had a SITUATION in Seaside Heights last night.

He exchanged harsh words with a heckler on the boardwalk and pursued his taunter who preferred to keep walking rather than engaging in a confrontation with the ice cream cone wielding executive.

Someone recorded the exchange and sent the video to TMZ.

The Governor’s office has yet to comment.

Posted: July 6th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Jersey Shore | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 32 Comments »

Look what you can buy on the President’s website

I’m not posting a link unless he buys an ad.  This is real.  The Commander in Chief is promoting the tee shirt on his twitter feed too.

Posted: June 30th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, ObamaCare | Tags: , , | 27 Comments »

Christie: SCOTUS confirmed what we knew all along–ObamaCare is a tax

Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement about the Supreme Court’s decision on ObamaCare:

“I’ve been clear from the very beginning that I do not believe a one-size-fits-all health care program works for the entire country and that each governor should have the ability to make decisions about what works best for their state. Today’s Supreme Court decision is disappointing and I still believe this is the wrong approach for the people of New Jersey who should be able to make their own judgments about health care. Most importantly, the Supreme Court is confirming what we knew all along about this law – it is a tax on middle class Americans.”

Posted: June 28th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: , , , | 9 Comments »

Supreme Court: ObamaCare Individual Mandate Is Constitutional As Tax

Chief Justice John Roberts joined the liberal wing of the Court in the 5-4 decision. Or was it a 6-3 decision?

Bush appointed Roberts.  Therefore, ObamaCare is Bush’s fault.

It will take time for legal scholars to figure out what the decision really means. 

Now we’ll have an election about it.

Bad news for the country.  Good news for the Romney campaign.

Posted: June 28th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, ObamaCare | Tags: , , , | 31 Comments »

Hiding Behind Executive Privilege

A National Review Online Editorial

President Barack Obama has long tried to distance himself from the “Fast and Furious” scandal at the Justice Department, which stems from a program under which Mexican drug cartels were allowed to acquire U.S. firearms that were later used against U.S. law-enforcement personnel. By invoking executive privilege to stymie congressional investigation of the case, the president has placed himself squarely in the center of it.


President Obama, who had been a bitter critic of the Bush administration’s use of executive privilege, today through his representatives protested that he is only doing what the Bush administration did before him. The same man who once accused President Bush of “hiding behind executive privilege” is now hiding behind George W. Bush.


Executive privilege serves a necessary function in our constitutional order, reinforcing the separation of powers and protecting sensitive deliberations within the executive branch, and it is especially strong when the president or his closest advisers in the White House are involved in the communication. In this case, the administration has long denied that the president was directly involved. Instead, Attorney General Eric Holder wasted everyone’s time invoking a spurious form of deliberative privilege that was completely decoupled from executive privilege. Such a privilege has no force vis-à-vis Congress. By finally invoking executive privilege yesterday, the president belatedly acknowledged that his attorney general was full of it.


Executive privilege has legitimate uses — and illegitimate uses. For instance, it is not intended to be used merely to protect the president from political embarrassment stemming from grievous errors in judgment by members of his cabinet or officers of the departments over which they preside. There is good reason to believe that in this case the privilege is being abused.

  Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: June 21st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Fast and Furious | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments »