Atlantic Cinemas, the iconic local theater owned by Fred and Mickey Rast has closed for good. The Atlantic Highlands landmark had been in the Rast’s family since 1923 .
Fred told MMM that the theater had generated only $1000 in revenue since reopening with a new business model on October 15.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, November 20:
• Magic of Lights: Drive-Through Holiday
Experience at PNC Bank Arts Center (Holmdel) – MORE
Governor Phil Murphy this morning announced that he will sign an Executive Order today reducing the amount of people who can attend indoor gatherings in New Jersey.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon and Congressman Chris Smith
The Presidential election is still being litigated, yet in Monmouth County, NJ where it took 10 days to count and report 97% of the ballots in the unprecedented paper ballot election ordered by Governor Murphy, the Monmouth County Republican Organization has scored huge undisputed victories. The Golden Era in Monmouth County continues stronger than ever.
Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon are stand outs this election season.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, November 13:
• Magic of Lights: Drive-Through Holiday
Experience at PNC Bank Arts Center (Holmdel) – MORE
• “12 Angry Jurors” by CBA’s Pegasus
Production Company (Lincroft) – MORE
Legislation authored by Congressman Chris Smith that will help military veterans treat their PTSD through enhanced outdoor medical therapy and recreation passed in the U.S. Senate last night, the eve of Veterans Day, and is on its way to the White House to be signed into law.
I’d like to start by thanking all of the veterans who
have served our country. We should continue to recognize their sacrifices
throughout the entire year. It is because of their sacrifices we continue to
enjoy our freedoms. Let us also not forget the sacrifices made by their
Republican Deputy Mayor Evelyn Malsbury-O’Donell pulled ahead of Democrat Andre de Garmeaux on Monday in the race for a seat on the Howell Township Council which will determine partisan control of the governing body.
With 87% of the mail-in ballots counted, Monmouth County is one of only 7 New Jersey Counties that voted Republican in 2020.
Early returns in the unprecedented paper ballot election indicated that Democrats had scored an upset in the County that reliably votes Republican despite a registration advantage for Democrats. On Election Night, former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Cory Booker and the Democrat Freeholder candidates were leading the paper ballot count. Congressman Chris Smith and County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon were the only Republicans leading above the municipal level.
Congressman Chris Smith is leading Democrat Stephanie Schmid 59.2%-39.2% as of Friday afternoon and is expected to break the 60% threshold with the late reporting results throughout the 4th congressional district trending Republican.