
Cullari Ties Little and Corzine


Posted: June 4th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Ernesto Cullari | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “Cullari Ties Little and Corzine”

  1. TheTruthHurtDudnit? said at 5:39 pm on June 4th, 2012:


  2. Honesty Matters said at 8:15 am on June 5th, 2012:

    All of the Lies and Mud are only driving voters to Anna or away from the polls.

    Lying shows this team has no character, no candidate and… Oh yea like school in the summer … NO CLASS ….

    – – – – – – – – Public Announcement – – – – – –

    Do you really trust a candidate who will do ANYTHING to win?? LIE, CHEAT and even STEAL… then vote for Ernesto…

    If you want a candidate that can balance a budget, talk about and solve the problems that matter to you… Vote Anna!!

    Paid for by sane Citizens of Monmouth County

  3. To Honesty Matters said at 8:49 am on June 5th, 2012:

    Hey, Sycophant. Stop being “Stuck On Stupid” as it seems that NOT making sure your Federal Campaign Finance forms is what honesty is all about to you, especially after she’s done this before.

    Stop spouting the kool aid induced talking points will you. This stuff is a matter of Anna’s record and is indeed campaign fodder.

  4. Chris Whalen, CPA said at 2:48 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    There are no funds missing from the Anna Little campaign. The campaign report in question was simply generated with an incorrect date range. That caused some transactions to not be included in the report totals. Mr. Cullari knows this and anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the FEC software would first have questioned if this was the simple innocent cause. Instead, misinformation and slanderous accusations have been made against Ms. Little. This is shameful conduct on the part of Mr. Cullari. To say that there is $71,000.00 missing based on the information available truly shows the Cullari campaign are the lowest of the low, and cannot run on real issues.

  5. Bob English said at 3:23 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    Prediction time:

    Kryillos 75%, Qarmout 21%, Rullo 4%

    Little 52%, Cullari 48%

  6. brian said at 3:31 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    Kryillos 82% Qarmout 10% Solar Panels 8%
    Cullari 54% Little 46%

  7. OK Mr. Accountant Chris said at 4:14 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    Then how do you explain the “oversight” as in not filing her campaign finance reports. You know this isn’t the first time she has run for Congress and should know better.

    It is INDEED an issue. Anna Little is the train wreck.

  8. @Bob English said at 4:41 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    You’re too funny. 21% for the Quarmout and 4% for Rullo.

    I see it at 1% for Rullo since there are no signs and will probably take Brian’s 10% projection on the Quarmout since he had a lot of signs. But, I think Brian is also high on the Solar Panel vote, unless there are Democrats crossing over to vote for Rullo because of what he sells 🙂

    The real story is that these are just numbers thrown on the wall since there is no polling for stuff like this, so I won’t even hazard a projection other than to suspect you are off on the numbers I just talked about for the Senate Race.

    As to CD 6, I think it’s going to be a close one, like a 51/49 horse race, too close to call, a toss up. But, I would lean to Ernesto pulling it out.

    I’m just waiting for the excuses from Eric as to why Rullo didn’t take his home town.

  9. Solar Eclipse said at 6:26 pm on June 5th, 2012:

    Does this mean we can finally say goodbye to the RulloBots?