
Little Still Not Registered With FEC As A Congressional Candidate

It’s been over two weeks since MMM reported that Anna Little has not filed as a candidate for Congress with the Federal Election Commission.  She still hasn’t.  As far as the Federal Election Commission knows, Little is a candidate for U.S. Senate in the Republican primary.

Little, who is making her second run for congress, terminated her campaign committee, Anna C. Little for Congress, Inc, on April 2, nine days after she received the endorsement for the 6th congressional district nomination from the Middlesex County GOP.  The termination report was approved by the FEC on April 12.  She filed the Friends of Anna Little campaign committee as a candidate for U.S. Senate on February 13.

Newcomer Ernesto Cullari, the Monmouth County GOP choice for congress and Little’s opponent in the June 5th primary, appears to be in compliance with his reporting to the FEC.  Cullari filed a Statement of Organization on March 26 and his pre-primary report on May 21.


Posted: May 23rd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Ernesto Cullari | Tags: , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Little Still Not Registered With FEC As A Congressional Candidate”

  1. Freespeaker1976 said at 8:18 am on May 23rd, 2012:

    Sounds like a question Ernesto should ask at the Bait & Switch Meet & Greet

  2. Poor Little Anna said at 10:01 am on May 23rd, 2012:

    Stop picking on her! don’t you know she has Tea Party support!

    And can sing! (well, sort of)

    And got the line from doddering Sam Thompson!

    Leave poor Anna alone!

  3. TheDigger said at 11:58 am on May 23rd, 2012:

    What would her reasoning be for this?

    Could it be that she is just trying to raise money and then not run? What happens to all the money she has raised then? Could she keep it for personal expenses?

    I don’t know the answer to this, but it is troubling.

  4. James Hogan said at 12:09 pm on May 23rd, 2012:

    Thread HiJack! … speaking of Sam Thompson, does anyone else *TRY* to stay informed as to what our State legislators are doing by following their RSS feeds, or am I the only nerd among the bunch?

    Sam Thompson’s RSS feed was last updated January 10, 2012 and has *1* entry (touting his election):

    Compare that to the Monmouth senate team: Joe Kyrillos (May 17, 2012), Jen Beck (May 17, 2012) and/or Rob Singer (March 15, 2012):



    who have a steady stream of activity, not just one entry, so it’s easy for us little people to see (and think) these guys are on top of the issues and working hard for us and some of us nerds even repost the links on Google+ or Facebook and email our friends, etc… but no such thing is even possible at this point with Thompson… I even took a quick/random peak through the other Senators, seems like the others all have plenty of activity/updates going on….

    Not explicitly saying anything bad about Sam here, heck from the few times I’ve met him, he seems like a nice enough older gentleman who just wants to live the American Dream and serve the public, just saying that it would be nice to know what he is, or claims to be, up to… and the RSS feeds do a good job of that — and I guess we’re paying for those websites and feeds to be online anyhow, might as well make good use of them?

    …Surprising because the NJGOP/Christie team (and Obama team) have done a great job of proving that social media/online outreach works wonders…

    Thanks, sorry for the hijack, Art!

  5. brian said at 12:15 pm on May 23rd, 2012:

    Thompson doesn’t update the public, Little doesn’t show up for work……………………