The gloves are coming off
The pro-Romney PAC, Restore Our Future, is going after Newt Gingrich with this new attack ad:
Restore Our Future has reportedly purchased $3.8 million worth of ad time in Iowa.
The pro-Romney PAC, Restore Our Future, is going after Newt Gingrich with this new attack ad:
Restore Our Future has reportedly purchased $3.8 million worth of ad time in Iowa.
So much for Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment “thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” (which he ended up violating himself anyway when he ran against President Ford.)
The bad thing about people from the same party whether D or R ripping each other to shreds in primaries is that when the general election rolls around, the opposing party starts using the same quotes/ads against the person who eventually is the nominee.
I was thinking along those lines when reading the “next Seanator from NJ” post on this blog where supporters of each of the two Joe’s where going at it. If either one of them is the nominee, they are going to need a lot of help from the other Joe to have a chance of winning the general election.
I don’t see what the problem is. As a private citizen Newt got paid to give advice to Freddie Mac which they completely disregarded.
So when the Democrats launched a massive assault on Newt and was accused of 85 ethics violations 84 of them were dismissed because there was no basis for the claim.
I completely disagree with the basis of the so-called “11th commandment” if you are in a primary facing an opponent you go after them and you nailed them on all the mistakes they made. Once you get into the general election that’s a totally different story, at that point you should support the nominee or just simply keep your mouth shut.