
Average Some One

By Art Gallagher

This post is for my Tea Party friends and my Republican friends in Monmouth County who continue to relate to each other with caution and trepidation or worse.

I’d like you all to consider the evolution of my friend James Hogan and the evolution of our county party over the last two years.

Hogan was the embodiment of the Tea Party before most Tea Partiers got off the couch.  Motivated, dedicated and completely out of his mind, he ran in the 2008 GOP primary for the nomination in the 6th Congressional District of New Jersey.

A few weeks after the 2008 primary, Hogan wrote of his first encounter the the MonmouthGOP establishment. It wasn’t pretty, but it worth reading.

Today, James wrote about his more recent experience with “the establishment.”  There has been a great deal of progress in two + years.

James has not compromised any principles, nor has he become any less outspoken.

He is an example of what is possible for those who are passionate about our politics yet new to the polictical process.  Those who have welcomed James graciously into the process are examples of the kind of leaders who empower the growth of our party.

Posted: December 3rd, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: James Hogan, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP Affiliated Club, Tea Party | Tags: , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Average Some One”

  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 8:10 pm on December 3rd, 2010:

    Even I like the guy. Not his policies, not his politics, but him. And, I never met him. But he’s an upstanding, dedicated and sometimes just downright funny guy.

  2. Candice said at 7:08 pm on December 4th, 2010:

    Thanks for posting this, Art. So often, I find myself scratching my head, in total bewilderment at the fact that so often people are happy to eat their own when they feel that they aren’t getting their way. James does an amazing job of showing that you can be true to your ideals, but reach across to make friends and work together. I hope more of the disgruntled conservatives and Republicans take a page from his book!

  3. James Hogan said at 12:02 am on December 6th, 2010:

    Thanks again Art.

    Rick — if you want to hug it out or something, I’ll be willing to touch a Democrat, appropriately, just once, while wearing rubber gloves and not at an airport… 😉 You yourself are an example of the same – you know most people here aren’t going to agree with your point of view — but yet you continue to hold your own beliefs and advocate for them. It’s like I say to the Jehovah’s Witness people who knock on my door “you’re not going to convert me, or convince me, but I do appreciate and respect that you stand up and go out to support what you believe in” – they usually smile, nod and go about their day and I’m not going to chase them down the street and argue my points over theirs.

    Candice – I replied to your comment on my blog but to add something new – I joked with Joe Oxley about the fear and hate people have for “the establishment” — he knows so we enjoyed a laugh about it and he tells me with a certain non-joking confidence and a smile that the number is “48%”. Based on that, I’m sure I’ve just lost a few “friends” by suggesting that the establishment isn’t so bad these days.