
Who won the Al Smith Dinner?

Katie Couric won the night as more people saw her sitting behind Governor Romney and President Obama while the they delivered their remarks since the time she broadcast her colonoscopy.

Romney was the more presidential of the candidates.  He was confident, funny and prepared.  The crowd responded accordingly.

Obama joked twice about his performance in the first debate.  “Just to make Axlerod sweat,” he said that he was going to prepare for the third debate coming up on Monday night the same way he did for the first.  It looked to me that the same Obama who showed up at the first debate also showed up at the Al Smith Dinner.

Posted: October 19th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , , , | 19 Comments »

19 Comments on “Who won the Al Smith Dinner?”

  1. no middle names said at 9:23 am on October 19th, 2012:

    “Too bad I can’t use my middle name” – why? because “Hussein” is associated with Muslims, associated with Terrorists? Does the President also say that every Juan is a Mexican, is an Illegal? Every Wei is Chinese, and communist owner of America?

    Why is Barack Hussein Obama ashamed of, and afraid to share, his middle name with the American people if he tells us that all Husseins, all Muslims, are not terrorists?

  2. The more he shows up, said at 2:52 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    The more Presidential Romney looks. Dare we hope this country may yet start to be saved? Should we rent our tuxes and ball gowns yet for an Inaugural of relief? Come on, Ohio, wake the heck up!

  3. Bob English said at 4:54 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    One of the best speeches was given in 2008 by John McCain


  4. The Big Professor said at 9:32 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    The dinner was clearly won by President B. H. Obama. America will be «saved» by a second term for the President who has ruled us so wisely. Saved because his upcoming «landslide» election, brought about by a divers coalition of progressive support, will bring in veto proof progressive governing majorities in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
    Who are these progressive supporters? They are everyday Americans fearful of M. Romney and his reactionary «Tea Party». Everyday Americans like workers, soldiers, students, women, artisans and educators who have grown weary of the racist ideologies of the past.
    In a second term, and under such governing majorities, true progressive change can finally take place. Enhancement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will be of great benefit to the middle class. A new tax code will be enacted that is fair to all, especially the neediest. Legislation will be enacted that will protect workers from corporate greed while protecting the environment from that same greed. This will involve reforming the entire corporate ownership system to prevent these modern day robber barons from ever gaining influence again.
    Peace will be declared! The «troops» will be called home to return to their jobs and families. When the world sees that America has changed and she is no longer a threat to peace, other nations will be able to utilise their money to help their people, instead of defending them against American imperialism.

  5. WTF? said at 10:11 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    Bwahahahahah! Oh man. What’ve you been smokin’?

  6. The Big Professor said at 10:21 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    The above comment by «WTF?» is highly illustrative of the low intellect of the far right. I expected it here.

  7. WTF? said at 10:27 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    Bwahahahahahahahah!! Stop please, you’re killing me! Bwahahahah!!

  8. dream on said at 9:38 am on October 20th, 2012:

    Dream on Big Proff. You were poor before BHO took office, now you are even more poor. The difference is that I was somewhere in the middleclass before BHO took office, now I’m equal with you, poor. BHOs policies are not capable of improving living conditions in the US, they are only capable of achieving a nation where all people are equally poor, and other nations become superior to our nation.

  9. If You Think The Big Professor Has Lost It said at 11:46 am on October 20th, 2012:

    Chris Matthews has gone over the cliff


    The loons all across America are gnawing at themselves, eating their own; going nuts over the prospect of The Obummer losing.

    But worst of all, like the Biggest “Loser” Professor, they have gone completely irrational.

    “Nero Fiddles” while America burns, attacking Romney on Big Bird while an Ambassador was killed and America is about to slide off a “fiscal cliff”


    “We Are Americans And We Have A Right To Debate & Disagree With Any Administration.”

    Silly Me, I Guess That Applies ONLY To Dumbocrats.

  10. Bob English said at 12:32 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    dream on-Note that almost all of the real income growth in the United States over the past 30+ years (which spans Dem and Republican Administrations and Congresses) has gone to the top 2%.

    The top 2% have gotten one hell of a lot richer and everyone has remained in place or gotten poorer.

  11. So, Bobbie Boy said at 12:41 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    Who’s stopping the poor from trying to be richer, the big, bad evil corporations?

    Or, is it the lazy who refuse to work harder to better themselves and become part of the middle class and the upper class?

  12. FBHO said at 12:51 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    Dream on said it all, BHO wants all middle class on welfare and food stamps.HE’S GOT TO GO!!!!!!
    he would like us all to be dependent on the goverment.

  13. Liberal-Loonacy is out in force... said at 2:31 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    Great. Another Liberal Loon who calls Barack Obama “our ruler” and wants to see him declared “King of the United States of America”.

    Why does this no longer surprise me.

  14. Gee, Who Woulda Thought said at 5:11 pm on October 20th, 2012:


    And Under The Obummer’s Leadership, Iran Is 4 Years Closer To Having A Bomb.

  15. Bob English said at 10:59 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    The Obama administration has put together stronger world wide sanctions than ever existed before against Iran which have cirppled the Iranian economy. Maybe the day will come that military action is needed, but it won’t be becasue other options were not exhausted. I would mush rather have Obama making the decision whether to go to war than Romeny which has Bush Administration retreads as advisors, many of whom cant wait to start antother war.

    Wimpyboy…You are staritng to sound like Romney. The 98% who have not experienced real income growth under Republican and Democratic Presidnets for 30+ years are not “lazy and refusing to work harder.”

    FYI, my father who in on Social Security, receives a small pension and takes a few thousand out of his IRA every year is in a much higher tax bracket than Romney.

  16. Observer said at 5:01 pm on October 21st, 2012:

    FYI, my father who in on Social Security, receives a small pension and takes a few thousand out of his IRA every year is in a much higher tax bracket than Romney.

    I do not see how since there is a double exemption for those over 65 (making a presumption here). Based on what you state for the scenario, only at most one half of the Social Security is subject to taxation. So for your father to be paying more than 14% he must be getting more income than you allege or know about.

  17. Bob English said at 6:36 pm on October 21st, 2012:

    Observer…Since I have his taxes prepared by an accountant, there is no additional income than I “allege or dont know about.” Note that IRA withdrawals are also taxable.

  18. Again, MUST Beat Head On Wall said at 6:42 pm on October 21st, 2012:

    Bobbie, we are NOT talking about those on Social Security, ect.

    We are talking about the welfare class which refuses to better themselves.

    REAL Income Growth comes from moving yourself up the ladder.

    So, in the words of Algore,


  19. The guy said at 7:09 am on October 22nd, 2012:

    showed wit ,humor, humor and class, and looked like a president. We tried street thug turned leader of free world and got nothing but the lowering of everything: incomes, jobs,world stature. It goes on and on. The more I learn about Mr. Romney, the more I think he is a kind and smart and decent person. We will start to be much better off when he is elected on Nov.6th!