Monmouth County Reorganizes

As we witnessed our federal government in crisis last week with the unthinkable riot on the Capitol incited by the President, government continued to work well here on the local level here, where we live.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon was sworn in for her second five year term in office on Thursday during a socially distanced county reorganization meeting at Collins Arena at Brookdale Community College. Ross Licitra was sworn in for his first term as County Commissioner and Lillian Burry took the Oath of Office as a County Commissioner for the first time after serving five terms as a Freeholder–the same office with a new name.
Tom Arnone, the last Monmouth County Freeholder Director is the first Monmouth County Commissioner Director, as he continues to lead the county’s government with the support of his fellow commissioners.
“It has been the honor of my life to serve as Monmouth County Clerk for the past five years and I am grateful to the residents of Monmouth County for placing confidence in me to serve a second term,” Clerk Hanlon said.
“The Monmouth County Clerk’s Office consists of 5 divisions with over 65 dedicated employees who faithfully serve the residents and customers of the County day in and day out. I am so proud of all that we have accomplished thanks to their hard work. I look forward to the next five years with much enthusiasm and excitement, and thank you for your support. “
“I am honored and humbled to have been elected by the people of Monmouth County and look forward to serving to the best of my ability,” Commissioner Licitra said. “I was elected to serve all the people of this great county, regardless of political affiliation, religious preference, or any other differences between us. I will be honest and fair and make decisions that are in the best interest of everyone. I look forward to working side by side with my fellow County Commissioners and all our other Municipal, County, State and Federal officials.
“This Great Country is in need of healing and we all need to unite and work together to begin that process. I will do my best and contribute in any way possible for the preservation and solidarity of our great nation.
“God Bless America.”
“This is my 6th reorganization representing the good people of Monmouth County,” said Commissioner Burry. “Having just been elected to a new three-year term, I am prepared to commit myself to making the restoration of Monmouth County my highest priority. I am convinced we can bring Monmouth County back as a stronger, more sustainable and resilient place for people to work, play, visit and call home. There will be a place in this process for everyone here and I believe that working together there isn’t anything we can’t do. I am delighted to be joined by Clerk Christine Hanlon and fellow Commissioner Ross Licitra in being sworn in to our respective terms today.”

“Thank you to everyone who attended Monmouth County’s Reorganization meeting today, both in person and virtually,” Commissioner Director Arnone said.
“It is an honor to once again be appointed to serve as the Director of the Monmouth County Board of Commissioners, for the sixth time and be sworn in by County Clerk Christine Hanlon, alongside Sheriff Shaun Golden.
“I am grateful my colleagues have appointed me to continue serving in this role for the third year in a row. However, this is a team position and I look forward to serving alongside a great hardworking group of individuals. I want to congratulate my fellow Commissioner Lillian Burry and Commissioner Ross Licitra on their reelection and election to the Board. Additionally, I want to congratulate my good friend and colleague Clerk Christine Hanlon on her re-election to serve as County Clerk for her second term.
“I am looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of Monmouth County and work hard with you all to make Monmouth County the best place to live, work and raise a family.
“Lastly, I want to thank our state legislators that were in attendance tonight, as well as Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli for his support. I look forward to a great 2021! “