Howell Republicans complain of improper conduct by Democrat Election Commissioner

Allan Roth, Esq, a Democrat Commissioner and the Secretary of the Monmouth County Board of Elections, took it upon himself to tally the interim results of the Howell Township Council election recount on Tuesday night after all the other Commissioners and recount observers had left the building, prompting outraged Howell Republicans to alert Judge Linda Grasso Jones of Roth’s allegedly improper conduct via a letter from Attorney Jason Sena.
Board of Election protocol requires that Commissioners of each Party be present when any action is taken with ballots.
Following his unilateral tally, Roth informed the other commissioners that Democrat Council candidate Andre de Garmeaux has gained 68 votes against Republican incumbent Evelyn Malsbury O’Donnell. O’Donnell was leading by 320 votes prior to the recount.
Howell Republican Chairman Joe DiBella described Roth’s conduct as “chilling,” “unthinkable,” “alarming,” and “disturbing,” in an email to his County Committee members on Wednesday evening.
The recount was halted yesterday due to Roth’s unauthorized tally on Tuesday, and is expected to proceed to conclusion today.
Boy am I shocked! NOT
Do dems think they can pull off the same thing they did in Detroit and Philly? Apparently so…….This commissioner should get the boot