Attorney General Grewal Issues Additional Guidance to Prosecutors on Handling Low-Level Marijuana Possession-Related Cases

Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal issued additional guidance to prosecutors concerning the prosecution of low-level marijuana cases, supplementing his August 29, 2018 and November 4, 2020 guidance.
Attorney General Grewal directed all New Jersey municipal, county, and state prosecutors to adjourn, until at least January 25, 2021, any juvenile or adult case solely involving the following marijuana possession-related offenses:possession of marijuana or hashish in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10(a)(3);possession of marijuana or hashish in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10(a)(4);being under…
I still need a rx for the flea and tick medication for my dog to safely have fun in the state parks, right? How many years in the slammer if I’m just buying those from a guy behind the dumpster at WaWa?
if you’re buying street pharmaceuticals for your K9, we need to hang out!
Hey Bro, I scored a $700 EpiPen for $32 and a favor in the same Parkway rest area visited by Gov McGreevey that I plan to use for the fun of just breathing one day! Stop by if you want to see me totally abusing illegally purchased RX only drugs that I need to survive. It’ll be a hootin’ good time!