Letter: Chris Smith Saved My Brother’s Life

As the election comes upon us, and in response to certain statements made by Congressman Chris Smith’s opponent, Stephanie Schmidt, we have been made aware that Ms. Schmidt has been campaigning on a platform comprised, at least in part, of deceptive untruths regarding the Congressman Chris Smith’s response to the Covid issue. Contrary to Ms. Schmidt’s claims to the contrary, Congressman Smith has been a champion for those battling the Covid-19 virus; and through his intercedence saved my brother’s life.
My brother, Kevin T McNamara, a father of three from Avon, became ill last March with the Corona virus. What was expected to be a brief stay in the Jersey Shore University hospital morphed into a 174-day journey through bureaucratic hell. Time and time again, insurance companies where denying my brother the proper care needed to have a fighting chance to stay alive. Just when we thought we were at a dead end, we reached out to Congressman Smith. Only then did things take a decidedly positive turn.
When things were most dire, and when we though we lost Kevin, Congressman Smith moved heaven and earth to get Kevin the convalescent plasma on a compassionate use basis. Later, when the therapeutic Remdesiver was showing promise at other hospitals, and we were having difficulty in getting the authorization to use it for Kevin, Congressman Smith again stepped in and within a day got us the authorization.
Congressman Smith and his staff were understanding, quick reacting, effective, and above all sympathetic and compassionate. Upon being contacted, Congressman Smith immediately directed his staff to make my brother a priority. A case worker from the Congressman’s office was assigned our case. In a number of instances, the Congressman personally made calls on my brother’s behalf; our brother’s situation immediately approved. When the insurance companies where questioned by Congressman Smith as to why care was being denied to my brother, Kevin’s case would be re-reviewed by the insurance companies and his claims would either be approved or transfers to other medical facilities authorized. Again, my brother’s cause was effectively and successfully championed by Congressman Smith at critical junctions several times.
Because of Congressman Smith this story has a happy ending Our brother came home to his family on the afternoon of September 17th, SIX MONTHS after he was first admitted to the hospital. Without the Congressman’s help, we would surely have lost him. With Congressman Smith’s help he was saved.
Dan McNamara, Harrison, NJ