Senator Singer: Gopal is no friend of Howell

Senator Robert Singer, Howell’s Republican state Senator for many years, warned Howell voters against taking the text messages from the young Democrat freshman senator, Vin Gopal, seriously.
“Senator Gopal is an ambitious young man with misplaced priorities,” Senator Singer said. “Gopal’s district has the highest level of gun violence of all of Monmouth County and the smelliest dump in all of New Jersey. The young senator should focus on his own district’s serious problems instead of lying to my constituents with text messages in support of his puppet, Mayor Theresa Berger.
“Senator Gopal was the crucial vote in the Senate in favor of Governor Murphy’s scheme that disallows New Jersey voters from casting their ballots in person on voting machines on November 3.
“Gopal voted in favor of Governor Murphy’s budget which stripped $1.5 million in funding from Howell’s schools. He hurt our children, our teachers and our property taxpayers.
“Gopal voted in favor of Governor Murphy’s recent budget which raised millions in taxes that we will all pay and raised debt, without voter approval, that our children will have to repay.
“Senator Gopal supports Governor Murphy’s COAH-Affordable Housing scheme which is leading to increased development in Howell and many other towns in the area.
“Vin Gopal is no friend of Howell. Mayor Berger is Gopal’s obedient puppet who has done nothing for Howell but plenty for Gopal and Murphy.”

You still owe me for that license plate
Lol it’s not like he created the Reclamation Center, he’s 35 years old.
didn’t have that landfill, we’d be paying a ton more in taxes, to dispose of our garbage out of state. We can’t dispute the county is good, and many thousands have moved here, to generate their own garbage. Also: Nobody told people to buy a place near an active landfill. What, you didn’t smell anything, when you checked out the area? Stop bellyaching, and be apart of the solution: support the county in seeking more remediation and control.