Monmouth PBA endorses Licitria for Freeholder

The Monmouth County Conference of PBA Delegates, representing 39 Law Enforcement agencies with over 2,000 Law Enforcement Officers in the County, has endorsed Ross Licitra for Monmouth County Freeholder.
Licitra is the Executive Director and Chief Humane Officer of the Monmouth SPCA, a position he took after a long career as a law enforcement officer.
“We are confident that Ross Licitra, who has dedicated over 30 years of his life to protecting the citizens of this state as a municipal and county police officer, will be there to support our law enforcement community,” said Conference Chairman Michael Michalski.
“The men and women of the Monmouth County law enforcement community are faced with many challenges each day,” Michalski continued, “It is essential that our officers feel supported and always be treated fairly, with the respect that they deserve. Nothing could be more important than for our officers to receive this support from our elected officials.
“County Freeholders play a significant role ensuring that public safety is at the forefront of their commitment as Freeholders and by making certain that the best technology and equipment is made available to our law enforcement community.”
“I am extremely proud and honored to have received the endorsement of the law enforcement community of Monmouth County,” Licitra said upon receiving news of the endorsement. “I have spent my entire adult life protecting the citizens of this county and state and if elected to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, I will be able continue that mission by supporting the great men and woman of law enforcement. Our Police Officers and Correction Officers from across the state have taken an oath to protect and serve their community which they do every day with a great décor of honor, courage and professionalism. We owe them all a great amount appreciation and support.”
Licitra, a Republican is running with Freeholder Lillian G. Burry and Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon, two incumbents seeking reelection. If elected, Licitra and Burry will be the last people elected as Monmouth County Freeholders and will be the first Monmouth County Commissioners sworn in come January when a new state law changing the name of County governing bodies takes effect.
You’ve got our vote Chief. Thank you for your service & the outstanding job you’re doing !!