Schmid’s ‘stolen endorsement’ angers Colts Neck business owner

Stephanie Schmid, the unemployed lawyer who lives with her mother and who is the Democrat nominee for Congress in the 4th district, used photos of a local businesses to boost her fledgling campaign—without the owner’s consent. That’s just Schmidy.
Mary Pahira, owner of the Colts Neck General Store and Deli, was surprised and upset when she saw her photo in Schmid’s social media feed and that her business was tagged in Schmid’s post promoting her campaign on Friday.

“Just because I am kind and polite when you come into my store doesn’t mean I’m voting for you or can you can steal my endorsement,” Pahira said in a phone interview. “She came into the store, her money is green, she gave me a flyer. I was nice to her.”
“She’s sneaky and disrespectful,” Pahira said. “My husband is pissed. We read through her stuff and we don’t agree with anything she’s running on. I would never vote for her, endorse her or allow her to use my image in her campaign ads.”
Pahira said she reached out to Schmid to remove the post but has not heard back from the candidate. As of Friday night, Pahira’s photo was removed from Schmid’s facebook page but it remained on the campaign’s Instagram page. The Colts Neck General Store and Deli was still tagged in the facebook post.
Schmid says she is visiting 40 businesses in her 40 day tour of NJ-4. 40, because that is her age and that is how many years Congressman Chris Smith has served in Congress. Since July 31, 36 days, Schmid has posted images of 17 NJ-4 businesses as if they are supporting her for congress. MMM will be reaching out to the other 16 to ask if the knowingly endorsed Schmid.
Maybe Schmid needs these photos to justify paying for her lunch with campaign funds. There are several irregularities in her campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, including unspecified personal reimbursements for several thousand dollars. More on that next week.
The Colts Neck General Store and Deli is located at 171 County Road 537 in Colts Neck. They serve delicious breakfast and lunch at reasonable prices 7 days per week.

Is anyone surprised. Never met her but it is in the Democrats playbook.