Sanctuary State Opposition on Freeholders Agenda

Monmouth County Freeholders Sue Kiley, Pat Impreveduto (Deputy Director), Tom Arnone (Director), Lillian Burry and Gerry Scharfenberger
A resolution opposing New Jersey’s designation as a Sanctuary State is on the Agenda of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders June 26, 2019 regular meeting.
The resolution states that Governor Phil Murphy and the legislature have enacted legislation that provides benefits to illegal undocumented immigrants and that they should instead be focused on reducing spending and the property tax burden on legal New Jersey residents.
It further states that sanctuary policies are harmful to the health, safety and welfare of Monmouth County residents and that the County will never become a sanctuary city.
Santuary State Resolution 062619
Middlesex County Freeholders like to believe they see things from our point of view, but have their heads so far up Murphy’s arse, they’re hanging onto his tonsils.
Why not start right there in Freehold? Surely I’m not *just* being a racist bigot when I assume, like most other people in the area seem to assume, that all of those Mexicans, or otherwise clearly South Americans speaking Spanish, standing around Freehold Center, are not here legally. Maybe stop by Long Branch and have a look at the Brazilians who own all of those hardwood flooring as a second step?
The words are nice, but seeing someones take some real, tangible actions would be nicer.
The resolution doesn’t define “sanctuary city,” so it’s not clear what they mean when they say “the County of Monmouth will never become home to a sanctuary city.”
Red Bank has already declared itself a “Welcoming and Inclusive Community.”
Is that different than a sanctuary city?
I think Monmouth County will be full of sanctuary cities next week.
Unless I’m mistaken the current 287(g) Memorandum of Understanding between Monmouth County and ICE expires on June 30, 2019.
Attorney General Directive 2018-6 says: “No state, county, or local law enforcement authority shall enter into, modify, renew, or extend any agreement to exercise federal immigration authority….”
So it appears Monmouth County about to leave the Section 287(g) program. That would mean county corrections officers would no longer be permitted to perform immigration law enforcement, and would have to comply with the above AG Directive.
Some have said that NJ is already a sanctuary state due to that AG Directive.
It appears that Monmouth County is about to become a sanctuary county full of sanctuary cities, at least by some definitions of the term.
Also, the freeholders’ resolution seems to falsely link state spending with property taxes (“the Governor … and Legislature … should be more concerned with reducing spending and property tax reduction”). Our property taxes are determined by local and county governments and school districts. The state does not receive any revenue from the property tax.
So our property taxes cannot be reduced by the state government, and a reduction in state spending would not reduce property taxes. (A reduction in state spending could increase our property taxes: if the state reduced spending by reducing aid and grants to municipalities and school districts, our property taxes would probably go up to cover the shortfall.)
The state could increase spending on aid to local governments, and that might lead to decreased property taxes, but local governments could instead increase spending to use the increased funding.
I live in Freehold, I am on vacation in North Carolina. I will be returning tomorrow but not in time for the meeting. I want To oppose the sanctuary state rule. Please let me me know what I have to do. Thank you.
all excellent points!.. Scary situations exist, and are quietly covered up, and funded, in many areas of this county, right now- we all know it.. I am personally, as a loyal Republican for my whole life, opposed to all parties’ pandering- type resolutions and laws, which usually wind up having no teeth or actuality/ common sense, in practice.. or, do exactly the thing they claim to for the lady after that post, just how many more do you want us to take and pay for, and still be America?? My pamphlet for all 20+ Dems for next year is: save printing money, just change your name on it: “ America: Home of the Freebies!!” “Money for votes” is so disgusting, more and more people get this and are sick of it,and it is breaking us, completely!
NJ should NEVER be a sanctuary city! We can’t afford to live here and We (legal citizens) refuse to allow our tax money to go to support these people! Stop dumping more shit on our backs! Murphy! If you want sanctuary cities buy one and let them live with you ya stupid cow! #sickofyourtaxes