Michael Sachs Takes Sue Kiley’s Seat On Hazlet Township Committee

Michael Sachs, Sue Kiley and Scott Aagre celelbrate Kiley’s first election to the Hazlet Township Committee in 2014
Long time community leader Michael Sachs returned to the Hazlet Township Committee this week after a two year hiatus. Sachs, 59, was appointed to the committee to fill the vacancy created when Sue Kiley resigned upon becoming a Monmouth County Freeholder.
Sachs, a Republican, is expected to seek Hazlet voters approval in November to complete the term which expires on December 31, 2020. He has previously served a combined 15 years on the Township Committee, including four years as mayor, according to The Hazletonian, a local news site published by Two River Times news and social media editor Christina Johnson.
With the swearing in of freshman Committee members Tara Corcoran-Clark and Skip McKay on New Years Day, the GOP took 5-0 control of the Township Committee. Partisan control of the Township is at stake this November as three Committee positions will be on the ballot; Sachs’ and the seats currently held by Mayor Scott Aagre and Deputy Mayor Michael Glackin terms expire this year.
Aagree and Glackin have yet to announce their intentions regarding seeking reelection. The deadline for candidates to file their nominating petitions for partisan elections is April 1 at 4pm. The primary elections will be held on June 4.