Republicans Take Control In Belmar

Freeholder Sue Kiley, Belmar Council Members Tom Carvelli, Jim McCracken and Patricia Wann, Mayor Mark Walsifer, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Freeholder Gerry Scharfenberger celebrate Republican government in Belmar, Jan 5,2019 at the Belmar Fishing Club
The Borough of Belmar has a Republican mayor and a majority Republican Council for the first time since the town’s residents voted in the current form of government in 1990.
Mayor Mark Walsifer and Councilwoman Patricia Wann took office on New Year’s Day, according to Common Sense for Belmar. The Borough held its annual Reorganization meeting this afternoon where Walsifer and Mann took the oath of office again. Their running mate, Jim McCracken took office in November as he was elected to fill an unexpired term. Thomas Carvelli, the fourth Republican on the governing body, was appointed to fill Walsifer’s term as Councilman and sworn in today as well.
The lone remaining Democrat from the Dirty Doherty era, Councilman Thomas Brennan, was unanimously elected Council President by his Republican colleagues.
Now, need to get Neptune City back: that was a travesty! Need more activity and successes at the shore!
Maybe there is hope for this state – one town at a time. Looks like Phil Murphy lost a satellite town for his far left whack job agenda
let’s get back to rewarding our own kind with quid pro quo! Go get em!
Thank God we got rid of that total VIRUS Matt Doherty. The other Belmar Dems were a bunch of space cadets too. Now let’s see how the GOP can spruce up Belmar!