Doherty: Belmar’s new pay to pay law has nothing to do with his Freeholder campaign

Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, left, is preparing to face off with Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, right, in the November election. Doherty said the relaxed pay to play law he is set to pass in Belmar has nothing to do with his Freeholder campaign.
The Mayor and Council of Belmar has introduced an ordinance that would remove the current restrictions on the Borough’s liquor license holders, real estate developers, professionals and vendors from contributing to the campaigns of Borough elected officials seeking higher office.
Mayor Matt Doherty told MoreMonmouthMusings that the ordinance has nothing to do with his candidacy for Monmouth County Freeholder.
Doherty announced that he is seeking the Democrat nomination for Freeholder on January 15. The ordinance was introduced on January 19 and is on the agenda for a public hearing and final vote at the Borough Council meeting tonight. Doherty said it will be tabled and another version will be introduced at tonight’s meeting.
“We started discussing these changes last August because the Republican candidate for Council did not have local party support and was having trouble raising money for his campaign,” Doherty said. “The current ordinance prohibits contributions from PACs and the Republican candidate could not accept contributions from Assemblyman Dave Rible or the County GOP. We’re trying to make it easier for both Republican and Democrat candidates in Belmar to raise money for their campaigns.”
Belmar’s current pay to play and conflicts of interest ordinance prohibits liquor license holders from making political contributions to Borough candidates, County candidates and pass through contributions to Partys or PACS. Real estate developers, professionals and vendors are prohibited from donating more than $300. If an elected official accepts a contribution of more than $300 from one of those entities, that official is barred from taking official action involving the contributor. If the new ordinance, as proposed, passes, Doherty would be able to accept larger contributions and continue to act as mayor on matters concerning his contributors.
“The current law in unenforceable,” Doherty said, “we’re just bringing it up to date.” He said that the changes to the proposed ordinance which require a new introduction will involve contributions by liquor license holders.
Former Mayor Ken Pringle, a Democrat and the longest serving mayor in Belmar history, presided over the governing body that passed the current ordinance in 2004 and amended it to make it more restrictive in 2005. Pringle said that the proposed changes are “bad for the citizens of Belmar.”
Pringle said that Doherty and the Council “are trying to hide the nature of these changes” from the citizens of Belmar because they have not highlighted the changes in the new ordinance, as is customary. Rather, the Borough released the new language without noting the changes.
“Ken Pringle is like a jaded ex-girlfriend who will not go away,” Doherty said.
If you believe that this “coincidental” relaxation of a law that would have curtailed the flow of campaign contributions from Belmar businesses to this candidate was not a calculated move to raise money for his campaign, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
let’s note this down as his “first lie” of this cycle. ( and, remember to closely follow his ELEC reports to track where his money comes from!) One of the things I dislike most about most Democrats is their sense of entitlement, and how the rules for everyone else never apply to them! Wah wah – we are not amused, Mr Mayor!!
Mr. Pringle, to help us keep that big Dem vote down in that town, and around the Shore area!!
Bad idea. Give me a break, the need to do this to help raise campaign money to run for office in BELMAR!!!! It’s freak’n Belmar, not Chicago!
the current mayor is heading for bigger and better things: timing is everything, this likely helps the guy, and his party, a lot this year!