Inmates Get Their High School Diplomas

Stuart Veeder, GED teacher, Loren Basselini, Director of Education, Monmouth Ocean Educational Services, inmates from MCCI & Lt. Richard Vilacoba.
Four inmates at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution got their high school diplomas today through an online program administered by the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission, according to a press release from Sheriff Shaun Golden.
“I am gratified by the commitment made by today’s graduates to use their time at MCCI in a constructive manner that will benefit them for the rest of their lives,” said Sheriff Golden. “The wrong choices that brought the graduates to MCCI have provided these individuals the opportunity to make right choices about furthering their education and changing their lives.”
Since 2007, the Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division has been giving inmates the opportunity to improve their lives by going back to school. Including today’s graduates, 193 inmates have earned their GEDs through the online program.
Stuart Veeder, GED Teacher and Loren Basselini, Director of Education administer the program for the Monmouth Ocean Educational Services Commission. Lt. Richard Vilacoba and Capt. John Kolodziej handle the program administration for the Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division.
“Education is the key to a productive future,” Golden said. “No one can take that knowledge away. I’m hopeful these graduates will use it as they move forward and transition back into society for the purpose of positive change.”