May 17 is the voter registration deadline to vote in the June 7 primary
New voters can still register to vote in the June 7 primary. The deadline is Tuesday, May 17.
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are still battling for the Democratic Presidential nomination and locally, the Democrats have an election to choose who their County Freeholder candidates will be on the November general election ballot. Running for Freeholder under Clinton’s line are Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty and Brenda Sue Fulton of Middletown. Running with Bernie Sander are Angelica Ashford of Manalapan and Laury Wills of Little Silver.
The Republican presidential primary has been settled, with Donald Trump the presumptive nominee. Ted Cruz and John Kasich remain on the New Jersey ballot. The Republican Freeholder candidates, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Freeholder Serena DiMaso are running unopposed for their nominations.
Monmouth County residents can download voter registration forms here. The forms must reach the Superintendent of Elections Office, 300 Halls Mill Rd, Freehold Township by Tuesday the 17th at 9 pm. The office is open on Tuesday till 9 p.m. to accept registrations.