
Teachers Union — and Its Money — Helped Shape Outcome of Assembly Races

Gov. Chris Christie may claim in places like New Hampshire and Iowa that he has tamed New Jersey’s public employee unions, but you wouldn’t have known it from the smile on the face of one union’s leader. “We had a terrific week,” said Wendell Steinhauer, president of the New Jersey Education Association, as his union gathered…

Posted: November 6th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, New Jersey, News | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Teachers Union — and Its Money — Helped Shape Outcome of Assembly Races”

  1. jsinagra said at 7:53 am on November 6th, 2015:

    In the past decade and a half $57 million was spent by the teachers union on political campaigns and lobbying. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and its affiliations paid out $26.9 million, and the NJ State Laborers and its affiliates, spent $26 million.

    Does anyone think the politicians are looking out for them or their own interests?

  2. Mike Harmon said at 9:06 am on November 6th, 2015:

    Imagine if the NJEA put that kind of effort into education.

    In the world of the NJEA leadership all is right in Newark, Patterson, Camden, Trenton and Atlantic City, so the money and effort is spent in the uneducated and evil suburbs of Monmouth and Morris.

    Their steady opposition to Catholic Schools, Charter Schools and Magnet Schools is incredible. I heard a BOE member say that the test scores of the local high school would be higher if so many kids didn’t go to Hi Tech High.

    In reality, the NJEA wants to be a monopoly but they are unable to deliver the goods. The NJEA despises parent and student who ask questions and challenge their authority. The NJEA knows better.

  3. It was much more than the teachers union said at 9:50 am on November 6th, 2015:

    Christie has declared war on the unions, middle class, and government workers PERIOD!

    The Republican Assembly persons that lost their job blindly followed their God Christie, alienating many of their constituents. More casualties will come in the future. No doubt Jennifer Beck will be among them who has refused to override Christie when Christie vetoed the Port Authority Transparency and Accountability Act–despite voting for it after the Bridgegate revelations. And, she and every other Republican senator voted for it. What was she thinking?? They were either all wrong in the first place to demand accountability or transparency OR they were all wrong not to override Christie’s veto. Which one was it??

    Do you think Beck’s former husband Bob Cressen, and office assistant Nick Raspanti, who was given employment via “executive placement” had something to do with it??

    Besides what the hell is Executive Placement?? Is that to get unqualified Republican strategists employment without open and fair competition??

    All I can say is DISGUSTING!!

    This is the reason R’s lost, and why they will continue to lose: Christie!


  4. Teddy Ehmann said at 4:13 pm on November 6th, 2015:

    NJEA has been very good for Dave Rible, the very reason this Republican did a write in vote this year. Thanks Dave for the total deceit on your supposed anti-common core platform. Some are no longer fooled.