Monmouth and Assembly Republicans Support Marlboro GOP

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick (center-right) presents a check to the “Positively Marlboro” GOP candidates, Sui Allex for Council, Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council candidate John Dwyer, far right, as campaign treasurer Mario Giudice licks his lips in anticipation in the background photo bomb.
Republican activists and leaders from throughout Monmouth County and beyond gathered with the Marlboro Party faithful last night at the Bella Vista Country Club, providing the “Positively Marlboro” GOP slate of Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council Candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer with a boost of enthusiasm and campaign cash for their uphill battle to unseat Democratic Mayor Jon Hornik and his “Right Team” slate of incumbent council members Randi Marder and Mike Scalea.
“Two hours ago I was in the Governor’s backyard,” Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, the headliner of the event, said as he started his remarks. “Where are you going?,” Bramnick said the Governor wanted to know as he prepared to leave.” “Marlboro.” “Why?” “Because Selika Josiah Gore (Chair of the Marlboro GOP) called me an wouldn’t get off the line until I agreed.”
“This is the most energetic Republican event I have seen this season,” Bramnick said during his remarks and announced that he would write a check to the campaign from his own account on the spot.
Bramnick has special praise for his Assembly members, Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon, both present, and who will top the ballot in Marlboro and the rest of the 13th district on November 3.
“Did you know she went to Harvard?” Bramnick exclaimed about Handlin, “Who do you know that went to Harvard and doesn’t remind of it every chance they get? Amy Handlin! I would have gone to Harvard, but I didn’t get in.”
“Declan O’Scanlon is the best legislator I know,” Bramnick said. “Nothing will keep him from the truth. Other legislators will often give up when confronted with red tape. Not Declan, he’ll fight and break through and won’t give up.”
Monmouth GOP Chairman Shaun Golden made it clear that the Marlboro race is a priority this year as he introduced four of the five Republican Freeholders who were present and the Municipal Chairs of Howell, Manalapan, Colts Neck and Ocean Township.
“There is some arrogance is the air,” Golden said apparently referencing a PolitickerNJ report of Hornik mocking his Republican opponents. “But this is our year. For the last several years Marlboro voters have voted our line on the top and the center of the ballot and moved left on the bottom of the ballot. This is the best slate of candidates we’ve had in years. For Ira, Sui and John, our voters will stay in our column and this team will join us in bringing outstanding government to all levels throughout Monmouth County.
“The guys with the blue ties (Democrats) told me that the Republicans would not support me if I ran,” said Council candidate John Dwyer, a former member of the Marlboro Board of Education. “To have all the Freeholders here, Leader Bramnick, Assembly Members Handlin and O’Scanlon, Sheriff Golden and Clerk Christine Hanlon, moves me and affirms that I made the right decision. With your support, we are going to win.”
Freeholder John Curley closed the event like only he can with a rousing speech during which he acknowledged Hudson County GOP Chairman Jose Arango’s presence. “You think it’s hard in Marlboro?” Curley exclaimed, “Jose has to compete with dead bodies voting in Hudson County!