
Curt Schilling outs Brookdale student who allegedly posted vulgar tweets about daughter

adamnagelTwo New Jersey men, including one who worked as a part-time ticket seller for the Yankees, incurred the wrath of former major leaguer Curt Schilling this weekend after they allegedly posted sexually explicit tweets about the all-star’s underage daughter. The former Phillies and Red Sox great took to his blog this week to identify the two…

Posted: March 3rd, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Twitter | Tags: , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Curt Schilling outs Brookdale student who allegedly posted vulgar tweets about daughter”

  1. Fred said at 9:38 am on March 3rd, 2015:

    Glad to see that was looked into and something done about it. Only question I have is: Would the same have happen and same actions taken by Yankees and school if the young lady had not been a celeb’s daughter – sure hope so..

  2. Jim Granelli said at 10:29 am on March 3rd, 2015:

    This is the sad “extension” of the internet. No, I am not saying ban the internet, but people think they have permission to go too far with their hate while sitting behind the security of a computer screen.

    Sure, fine. If you want to discuss issues anonymously, I get that. The operative word is DISCUSS.

    But, the anonymous cowards that hang out here throwing out purely hateful comments and personal attacks are no better than the above two vile and disgusting “Jersey Guys.”

    We should be able to say “we know who you are.” Thankfully Schilling called these guys out and they will suffer the repercussions. But the fear of the repercussions is why people show their cowardly side and post anonymously here.

  3. Proud Republican said at 2:08 pm on March 3rd, 2015:

    What a vile piece of human debris this Nagel guy is. I hope This haunts him forever and he has to move to New Zealand to get a job. It’s time people stood up to the character assassination from these types of dirtbags. Only if there are real consequences to this kind of viciousness will it stop. I hope every HR person has this guy’s picture plastered on their bulletin boards.

  4. uncanny said at 7:43 am on March 4th, 2015:

    Adam Nagel bears a striking resemblance to a rather portly Middletown Democrat blogger. Separated at birth perhaps?