In much of the measurable world, a four-inch change — about the length of the screen on an old iPhone — doesn’t amount to much. But in oceanography, it’s huge, and a new study published this week shows that sea levels along the east coast jumped up to four inches and stayed that way for two…
As a kid my friends and I were rabbit hunting with bows and arrows in Middletown near Highway 35 (luckily for us there was a McDonalds nearby as we were not the best shots) There was a hill which rose up from the overgrown field probably plowed as it contained lots of rocks and peanut stone. We noticed some bones and teeth which we brought to our science teacher at Middletown North. He identified the teeth as sharks teeth. We went back and dug in the hill hundreds of teeth were exposed. No man-made global warming or cow farts caused the ocean to cover a good part of south Jersey.
Only 12,500 years ago the edge of the Wisconsin Glacier rested on Manhattan with an estimate 1,000 high wall of ice. As the glacier retreated into Canada it carved out much of NJ leaving lots of glacier lakes and all those round boulders you can find in Morris, Sussex and even parts of Northern Monmouth County.
So the oceans will rise and fall and it is best to be prepared and adapt. It is also important to not squander our precious resources and protect our air and water quality. I for one am more concerned about the NYC building boom and all the sewage filling our waterways and crap washing up on our shoreline. Downstream issues never concern NYC or Newark much.
When you walk the Hudson Trail near Atlantic Highlands, if you look closely you will see all the wash ups from the storm and sewer drains such as red rubber balls that went into the storm drain, tampon applicators and all types of debris.