Voters Answer Resounding ‘Yes’ to New Jersey’s Two Ballot Questions
Voters approved two ballot questions — one to replenish a virtually bankrupt open-space preservation program and the other to make fundamental changes to who is eligible for bail and who is not in New Jersey. Both questions, which would amend the state’s constitution, proved controversial. Unlike previous open-space ballot questions this one proved contentious, even…
Too many constitutional amendments in NJ. That is because the Legislature is unwilling to do its job. These, and most other “ballot issues” should be legislated by elected representatives who GO ON THE RECORD with their vote. Best way for a legislator to avoid responsibility? “Let the people decide.” BS
but I’d bet that they will very quickly vote to raise our gas tax by a lot, to get it off their plate before they are up, next year. They are real good at reaching down and making us pay more, while they continue to squander way too much, on many useless and unproductive social programs! Am sick of their continually wasting our money,while infrastructure and other vital maintenance, takes a backseat to the continual flushing of dollars to obsolete and sometimes silly programs, for votes!