
Guild of Creative Art Exhibit: Abstraction: Expressive? Precisely!

Guild of Creative Art

Be sure and take a visit to Guild of Creative Art  to see the David Levy & Annette Margulies Exhibit:  Abstraction: Expressive? Precisely!
now appearing until June 25, 2014
The diverse nature of Abstraction is revealed in the art of Annette Margulies and David Levy; heart-felt, cerebral, and a feast for the eye. 

Annette states “Whether it is a separation from your loved ones, nature’s unforeseen wrath, and the constant changes surrounding us, 
our responses to these events affect us in the most unexpected ways.  In experiencing these events—particularly in our attempts to influence and control them–one finds energy, emotion, passion, dreams, joy, anger, disappointment, and finally acceptance.  Expressing these emotions on canvas is irresistible to me—it’s why I paint!  As I paint, the emotions are revealed, transformed into shapes, colors, marks and lines.  Even though the result is an intense personal journey, the viewer is encouraged to react to, interpret, and experience what is on the canvas in his or her own way”.  

David’s  statement “I love the purity of geometric forms, crisp and elegant line, a few bold colors and the visual record of brushstroke…I want my paintings to provide visual aerobics for the eyes, to entice the viewer to scan and measure and to discover patterns, appreciating the illusion of spatial depth while the paintings appear to be flat.  The tug of war between two and three dimensionality creates an uneven balance.  In the same manner, geometric abstraction has been coupled with a clearly engineered architectural realism.  To seamlessly employ both pattern and the illusion of three dimensionality simultaneously remains the cornerstone of my vision”.

The Guild is located at 620 Broad Street in Shrewsbury
Telephone: 732-741-1441
Email: [email protected]
Website: guildofcreativeart.org

Guild Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, 8:00 amuntil 7pm on Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Admission is free.

This program is made possible in part by Monmouth Arts through funding from the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the County HistoricalCommission, and the New Jersey State Council on the 
Arts.  The Guild of Creative Art is a qualified organization of the 
New Jersey Cultural Trust.

The next exhibit begins on June 28
with a Reception on Sunday, June 29, 3 – 5 pm that includes a
Mini Show featuring Exhibiting Members and“Small Treasures” 
Associate Members
The Summer Show of Painters Exhibit will run June 28 – July 23
Open for paintings by Guild Members & Non-Members.
Receiving: Thursday, June 26, noon to 7 pm
End-of-show pickup: Thursday, July 24, noon – 7 pm
Contact the Guild for further information: 732-741-1441
Email: [email protected]

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