Fiore and Murray Seek Reelection in Middletown

Middletown Mayor Stephanie Murray and Committeeman Tony Fiore tour North Middletown with Congressman Frank Pallone and U.S. Senator Bob Menendez last week. photo via facebook
Middletown Mayor Stephanie Murray and Committeeman Tony Fiore, a former mayor, will be the Republican candidates for Township Committee this fall, according to an announcement on the Middletown Township Republican Organization’s facebook page this weekend. If reelected, Murray will serve her second term; Fiore his third.
The Middletown Democrats have yet to announce their candidates. On Sunday, Party Chairman Don Watson told MMM that he would be filing candidates petitions today, the deadline for candidates seeking a partisan nomination, but declined to name the candidates. Watson indicated it was possible he could change candidates overnight.
As a volunteer with Middletown’s Office of Emergency Management, I personally saw Tony Fiore, Stephanie Murray and the entire township committee (as well as past committee members, including Pam Brightbill) heavily involved during Sandy and its aftermath.
Whether it was at the Croydon Hall complex handing out food and supplies to Middletown residents impacted by Sandy, or at the Combined Emergency Operations Center coordinating the emergency response, they were there.
Even the GOP candidate running for re-election, Steve Massell, stopped his campaign at the onset of Sandy and was at Croydon Hall helping other volunteers distribuite food and supplies.
That is the true spirit of good government and good politics, neighbors helping neighbors.
Unfortunately, the democrat candidate running against Steve, a Ms. Baum, failed to do the same and kept on campaigning while Middletown residents were truly hurting. That was a shame and an embarassment to politics. If there ever was a time to put politics aside, and stand together helping others, it was in the aftermath of Sandy.
Stephanie Murray and Tony Fiore richly deserve re-election, not only for their dedication to Middletown and their leadership at town hall, but also their outstanding compassion and concern for those truly in need.
This country could use a lot more people like Stephanie Murray and Tony Fiore in governmental leadership roles.
[…] Short and Mardinly will face off against Republican incumbents Mayor Stephanie Murray and Committeeman Tony Fiore in November. […]