Will the Bridgegate Scandal Change the Way Christie Governs?
For all the talk about how the George Washington Bridge scandal is going to affect Gov. Chris Christie’s national ambitions, what about closer to home, what about the “business of the people” as it’s conducted in New Jersey? Christie gives a State…
The best part of this scandal has been watching Joe Rullo try to capitalize off of it by inserting his video about “Bridgegate,” something he wasn’t involved with and has no authority to speak about, into literally every damn website and Facebook post about Gov.
remains to be seen, but whether one believes the guy or not, and forgives him or not, there is some credence to the thought that there was a culture of superiority, entitlement, and yes, power and control of people and situations created,from the get-go.. It is true some of the “inner sanctum”rarely respected who helped get them there, rarely returned calls or accomodated locals, and basically had a “we’re better than you, we know more then you,” attitude in many instances.. if he can get past his self interests and look at his whole operation more objectively, perhaps the big party / and GOP party, can be saved( I’d be looking at the lack of tkts. sold at the $500. figure, call up the 21 Rep AND Dem county chairs, and start handing out some freebies they distribute,to either their officials and/ or deserving volunteers,and maybe the kids who were late to school, and truly get back to the ” Liberty and freedom” thing near our Statue, that they may have heretofore missed the concept of, and make it a real unifying “Peoples’ Inaugural!” And, while they are at it, start highlighting Kim more, instead do acting as though she’s the distant step- child! He needs her clean record and image more than ever, now, and yes, needs some new friends, quickly! If they are so politically “smart,” let’s see them prove it,now!
you still won’t get that job- get over it.
I guess its fair to say at this point that Jim, whomever, or the average Joe, cannot expect to get a job with the Christie/Guadagno team unless you are a former US attorney or your a financial supporter of them or your a high school buddy—I think this has been played out very recently. How sad.
of any party, or any administration, at any level of government,that doesn’t hire friends, family, people they trust or who supported them.. doesn’t happen, ever!..today, at least, there is some discretion, and judgment,in many places, where it helps when the hire-ees have actual credentials/ education/ experience to do the jobs.. it is the personally disgruntled among us, who didn’t get what they wanted, what they were promised,by some dopey candidate, who never stop ragging, on those who may have succeeded.. We can call it jealousy, sour grapes, you pick.. am I personally a bit weary of all the former US attorney- connected folks who this particular leader has hired?-sure.. Again, gotta get over it- in the words of that esteemed(?) guy currently messing up the White House: “elections have consequences!” And, the ever-popular: ” to the victor goes the spoils”… you got any way to change human nature, have at it!
I would expect Rullo to do that. He’s narcissistic and desperate for attention so that he can stay relevant and maybe run for dog catcher or something like that.
I banned him from Facebook. There are certain people I just can’t take anymore, on BOTH sides of the aisle.