TRENTON — David Samson, the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, filed a federal lawsuit Monday seeking to head off a state ethics probe of his work at the bi-state agency. Samson and his law firm sued the New Jersey State Ethics Commission in U.S. District Court, claiming it does…
I love when Bridgegate is called a phony scandal. Yet, we have real casualties in the form of resignations and firings.
Time will tell if CC is involved once the US Attorney wraps things up.
this is never going away, is not likely to leave him in a good light at all, and would be a bad position and place to run from, for higher office: I believe the main reason the governor is getting so much play now, is, to goad the national party into backing him, whereafter, the Dem and media opposition will gear up with the character assassination, and, by the time June is over, he’s been made to look like a Jack the Ripper or other bad person, which helps yet another socialist get in,to continue the decline of America, into third-world status. We must find a way to break this predictable pattern, now. Having a new Republican Congressional majority with guts and a positive reform message, sure would help! So far, they, sadly,aren’t looking too good!!
There was a culture of impunity among the leadership of the Port Authority under Samson, so if he did violate the agency’s bylaws, there wasn’t any enforcement. If this agency is only answerable to its own rules, that’s a problem in and of itself…We knew already that the Port Authority isn’t accountable to the public.
To prove the truthfulness of the above statement, & that it also applies to many others employed by the Port Authority, check out the shameful story of Port Authority Bus Terminal Supervisor of Terminal Operations Donna Lebourne. Donna Lebourne s Vice President of her home-based charity, “Caribbean Sports International,” that “donates” many of the same items she was caught pilfering from the PABT Lost & Found Dept.
There’s no doubt that Donna Lebourne’s thievery & conflicts of interest and have been dealt with “internally” by the Port Authority, just like David Samson’s, with a wink and a nod & then another wink and nod. The Port Authority’s motto should be, “Crime Does Pay & We Have the Criminals to Prove It.” What a vile disgrace…
In Port Authority Supervisor Donna Lebourne’s case, if pillaging the very PABT Lost & Found Dept. the she oversees & then using it for her own personal charity isn’t a conflict of interest and an out & out crime, then nothing is. (Which by the way, was investigated by the PAPD & the PA Office of Inspector General…Isn’t this the same Office of Inspector General that’s been investigating Bridgegate according to PA Executive Director Pat Foye? I sense another wink and a nod coming.) I’m quite sure David Samson has used Donna Lebourne’s criminal escapades as an excuse for his own reprehensible issues with crime, corruption & conflicts of interest.