Wtih 50% of of districts reporting, Incumbents continue to dominate
The fat ladies are about to sing at the bunker in Red Bank.
With 51% of the precincts reporting, Senator Joe Kyrillos has 78% of the vote against Bayshore Tea Party Group backed challenger Leigh-Ann Bellew.
Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon have similar results.
On the county level, with 58% of the precincts reporting, Sheriff Shaun Golden is winning with 81%.
Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso are both exceeding 80%.
But, the $64,000 questions are:
1) Will Mark Falzone blame the RINO henchmen
2) Will Dirty Mouth Helene and Political Imbecile complain that it was the anonymous RINO hit men on MMM that caused the losses?
(Hint, as good as Art is doing with the blog you two, he doesn’t have enough draw to take those kinds of votes away from Bellew & Ilk.)
3) Will the BSTPG just “go away,” or will they support Rullo for Senate next year
4) Will Anna Little “rise from the ashes” to run for Senate or challange Pallone again?
5) Will the rats desert the sinking ship of the BSTPG and leave Babs to walk the plank alone?
Stay tuned for the next episode of Looney Tunes at the shore.
Silence Dogood, Redux
For Babs. I guess when you get beyond creamed in a primary when you run your trap as much as she does. Welcome to the big leagues Babs!
It ain’t over ’til the fat RINO squeals. A late surge of Citizen Patriot turnout can still turn results around. Besides, even if the Tea Party Patriots are smeared and slimed into defeat, to paraphrase another Tea Party Patriot, we haven’t yet begun to fight. We will never give up, we will never surrender, we will never be defeated, we will never go away.
Shut your yap. You lost. Stop making a fool of yourself. If you think this and another blog slimed them into defeat, you are smokin’ sumptin.
The RC4L candidates and the BSTPG slimed themselves, Karma came around and smacked them upside of the head with a 6 x 6.
And, if you keep playing the Rullobot game, we’ll slap you down every time you do. I can’t believe I am saying this, but Rullo is worse a candidate than Bellew.
Silence Dogood, Redux
We haven’t lost. We’ll be back. We shall return. And we will win! Just wait and see.
Shlomo go back to your mom’s basement put on your tinfoil hat and wait for the U.N. to pick you up and take you to the Agenda 21/FEMA camps! Ha Ha Ha.
What a bunch of crazies
Shlomo, only in your dreams. Now, just please “go away.”
As to Bellew, she did WORSE this time around compared to her race in 2006.
Frank Pallone (D) 96,443 68%
Leigh-Ann Bellew (R) 42,814 30%
With progress like this, Bellew needs to pack it in.
Silence Dogood, Redux
Now get your butts out there and pick up all those stupid little signs!!!!
Like you did today?
and focus on beating all Dems, please!